Buying Advice

Your Personal Worrywart

Choosing property is a very personal matter. Each family has its own taste and needs. You want the best advice possible so you choose the most competent, honest agent you can find. Naturally you are excited when you finally find just the right property. You are anxious for friends and family to have a look. Be prepared. Their first impulse, even before visiting the property, is to share war stories about past experiences. Of course, in Hawaii, storytelling is an art form all its own. Expect it to sound as though they were involved in some kind of real estate tsunami! By all means, let them help you fashion questions for your agent but be careful in applying their experience to your purchase. Their intentions are honorable but remember, it’s a time when negative excitement compounds anxiety.

What About Real Estate Advice?

Too much “advice” may prove counter productive. Real estate transactions are extremely complex. I have been through hundreds. Believe me, each is different. Areas differ, buyers have their own requirements, and no two properties are alike. There are SSPP programs, CCRs, easements, private roads, lava zones, lava tubes, catchment tanks, permits, setbacks and access considerations to name a few. Layer these with your own personal requirements and you’ll understand the importance of allowing your agent to use their professional knowledge, experience and formal training in assisting you.

A Smooth Transaction

Your agent’s reputation is on the line every time they close a sale. It’s in their best interest for the transaction to go smoothly. Your satisfaction is important. The idea that we are there only to get a commission check is terribly inflated. Most agents are very gratified to simply help find the property you want. Once that goal is accomplished, it’s your agent’s job to be sure the details of this intricate transaction are given proper attention. You can worry about things if you wish, but with a professional agent in whom you have confidence, you really shouldn’t need to.

About the Author

Denise Nakanishi

Denise Nakanishi is a REALTOR Broker with Hawai'i Life. Denise Nakanishi is one of Hilo's most acclaimed real estate agents. She reached the rank of Major in the US Army and is now known by many as "Major Mom." The nickname fits–not only does Denise bring the discipline and mission-oriented attitude you'd expect, she's also caring and compassionate, always looking out for her clients like they're her own family. Having made the Big Island her home since 1987, Denise combines her extensive knowledge of the area with a sharp focus on customer service and the results speak for themselves. She's the recent recipient of the Best East Hawai`i, Best of Zillow, Chairman's Circle Award, President's Circle, Top Producing Agent since 2001, and Realtor of the Year awards. Denise stays ahead of the curve because she's passionate about education–she served as Education Chair for Hawaii Island REALTORS® for many years. She's one of Big Island's best real estate resources, known for her weekly article in the Hawaii Tribune Herald. Denise leads Team Nakanishi for Hawai`i Life, who is committed to their family, work, and community. In her little time away from work, Denise is a committed runner and Grandy. She also devotes many hours to various Veterans' Organizations, the East Hawaii Cultural Center, and the Hawaii Island REALTORS®. You can email me at or via phone at (808) 936-5100.

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