The Little Man in My Life - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

The Little Man in My Life

There’s nothing that makes a grandmother’s heart go pitter-patter more than her grandchildren. As you probably know, I have more than my fair share. When I was 9, my mother gave birth to my rascal baby brother. She worked a lot so I became his surrogate mother. My brother and I went everywhere together. He even went on my dates (no wonder I didn’t have many) and when it came time for cub scouts, I was the den mother.

As I started my own family, I really wanted a boy in the worst way. After all, I’d never raised a girl. God chose to send me girls of which I am most proud. They are amazing. Thanks to them, I now have 4 grandsons (3 from my steps as much mine as any). Living a few miles away brings a special bond and so, it’s Connor Kalimahana Kraus who has been the “apple of his Grandy’s eye” since the day he was born. In spite of all he’s been through, he’s always been a happy kid. I recall once as he was walking thru the house with a smile and his Mom asked him what he was doing to which he replied, “I’m just busy being a happy kid.”

Connor is very self-reliant, cooks for himself, does his laundry, takes care of the animals and is the resident grill master…I can’t say he makes his bed or is “Mr. Clean” for sure. He loves to hunt and work on cars. In fact, his future plan is to do formal diesel training on the mainland. Of course, I hope he doesn’t forget to return to Hawaii but I know there’s always that risk. I watched his senior project presentation and was more than impressed because he is a student at Nawahiokalani ‘- opu‘u iki Lab Public Charter School. I didn’t understand a word (except Tree Works) but he was cool, calm and confident. See, I told you I’m a proud Tutu. On another note, Memorial Day is a few days away. For many, it’s the unofficial start to Summer but I hope we all take time to reflect on the sacrifices that spawned such a somber celebration. I invite you all to join us at Veteran’s Cemetery #2 on the 29th at 9am. The view of the cemetery alone with all the flags will make you proud you are an American and proud to live in Hilo.  Enjoy your day! Love you Connor Kalimihana Kraus!

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Cherie Tsukamoto

June 1, 2023

So sweet, Denise!

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