Mark Twain used to say, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Real Estate agents are an incredibly narcissistic bunch. We love to be “#1,” “top-producing,” etc. We’re experts at padding sales figures to support our cause.
Unfortunately, the favorite measure of #1 is money (sale volume). After all, that’s what matters most, right? But…if I sell a billion dollar house, does that make me the best real estate agent in my market? What about the most “productive”?
If I “represent” both the buyer and the seller in that transaction, don’t I get “credit” for $2 billion of sales? If I sell a billion dollar house, and then 10 houses for $1 million each… my “average” home sale is $100m! Boo-yah!
Don’t believe the hype.
Sales volume isn’t what matters most. For us, the standard of service is everything. We’re not organized around the money, we’re organized around the people we represent. People hire us not because we’re “top-producing,” but because we provide a higher level of service.
We’re not #1, YOU are (and that’s no lie).
Michele McKinley
April 14, 2010
Great Job Matt! Very well said! That is why I love the company I work for HAWAIILIFE!
Michele McKinley
April 14, 2010
Great Job Matt! Very well said! That is why I love the company I work for HAWAIILIFE!
Ron Margolis
April 14, 2010
Many people do not know that realtors abide by a code of ethics. And when you read that code of ethics, its all about the highest standard of care. Every action defaults to the highest standard of care. And that i believe is what you are talking about Matt when we say YOU are #1, because that is the highest standard of care, putting the customer first, always.
Ron Margolis
April 14, 2010
Many people do not know that realtors abide by a code of ethics. And when you read that code of ethics, its all about the highest standard of care. Every action defaults to the highest standard of care. And that i believe is what you are talking about Matt when we say YOU are #1, because that is the highest standard of care, putting the customer first, always.
Annie Mendoza
April 14, 2010
Thank you for this. The truth is consoling to all ears. I love it: “We’re not #1, YOU are!”
Annie Mendoza
April 14, 2010
Thank you for this. The truth is consoling to all ears. I love it: “We’re not #1, YOU are!”
Anthea Adair, Broker-In-Charge of Kauai Sales
April 14, 2010
A-men! Couldn’t have said it better.
Anthea Adair, Broker-In-Charge of Kauai Sales
April 14, 2010
A-men! Couldn’t have said it better.
Ben Selvage, RA
April 14, 2010
Amen Matt! If you have 20 overpriced listings that literally have no chance of selling you are #1?? Clean it up!! your #1 at not being honest with your clients, yourself or the leads you are trying to aquire (lie to). To many agents are buying there listings with padded stats that sit and cloud up our market… get real man life too short!
Ben Selvage, RA
April 14, 2010
Amen Matt! If you have 20 overpriced listings that literally have no chance of selling you are #1?? Clean it up!! your #1 at not being honest with your clients, yourself or the leads you are trying to aquire (lie to). To many agents are buying there listings with padded stats that sit and cloud up our market… get real man life too short!
Ken Molina, RS
April 14, 2010
Thanks Matt, and a big Aloha back at you!
Ken Molina, RS
April 14, 2010
Thanks Matt, and a big Aloha back at you!
David Buck
April 14, 2010
Solid Representation is what it’s all about
David Buck
April 14, 2010
Solid Representation is what it’s all about
April 15, 2010
Well Said Matt!!Can you forward this on to all the other companies out there?
April 15, 2010
Well Said Matt!!Can you forward this on to all the other companies out there?
April 15, 2010
Well said Matt! The clients that come thru Hawaii Life make it easy to provide a higher level of service. Mahalo for the opportunity…
April 15, 2010
Well said Matt! The clients that come thru Hawaii Life make it easy to provide a higher level of service. Mahalo for the opportunity…
Tracy Stice
April 15, 2010
You are preaching to the choir here.
Let’s talk about really what differentiates Hawaii Life. The first issue is that we are not afraid to directly and immediately discuss agency in a very frank manner with a customer. We offer a choice right in the beginning to a customer; to remain a customer with a lower level of expectations from Hawaii Life, or to step up as a client with a signed agency agreement, either as a buyer or a seller and get the whole bundle of fiduciary rights that a client would get and expects.
We are not casual about sitting at an open house on one of our listings and as soon as somebody walks in the door, treating them like a client. We tell them who we represent, we ask them if they are represented and are not afraid to tell them that we work for the seller. Hawaii Life is not a “check the box” dual agency company. We discuss agency prior to digging an agency hole for ourselves.
In summary, this our #1 value proposition: We represent our clients !
Let’s keep going with the dialogue, it should lead to some very interesting values statements.
Tracy Stice
April 15, 2010
You are preaching to the choir here.
Let’s talk about really what differentiates Hawaii Life. The first issue is that we are not afraid to directly and immediately discuss agency in a very frank manner with a customer. We offer a choice right in the beginning to a customer; to remain a customer with a lower level of expectations from Hawaii Life, or to step up as a client with a signed agency agreement, either as a buyer or a seller and get the whole bundle of fiduciary rights that a client would get and expects.
We are not casual about sitting at an open house on one of our listings and as soon as somebody walks in the door, treating them like a client. We tell them who we represent, we ask them if they are represented and are not afraid to tell them that we work for the seller. Hawaii Life is not a “check the box” dual agency company. We discuss agency prior to digging an agency hole for ourselves.
In summary, this our #1 value proposition: We represent our clients !
Let’s keep going with the dialogue, it should lead to some very interesting values statements.
Jessica Mugrage
April 15, 2010
Totally well said.
Jessica Mugrage
April 15, 2010
Totally well said.
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
April 15, 2010
This is a particularly interesting discussion when it comes to the Big Island. We have transactions ranging from $5,000 to $28 Million so at some point looking at raw dollar volume becomes a completely skewed and often meaningless statistic.
That being said, I’m particularly proud of what the Big Island Hawaii Life team has accomplished this past year and will write a separate blog about our “numbers.” (because yes, we are a narcissistic bunch, you can expect it will be written from the point of view that Hawaii Life Big Island rules).
Yesterday I was interviewing an agent brand-new to the business. She’d already been to a few other Brokerages in town and was looking for the right “fit.” I’m not sure if she found it with Hawaii Life but the look on her face when I got through describing our Agency policy was priceless! She was astounded.
We represent people. Not money or commission or dollar volume sold or number of transactions. People first.
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
April 15, 2010
This is a particularly interesting discussion when it comes to the Big Island. We have transactions ranging from $5,000 to $28 Million so at some point looking at raw dollar volume becomes a completely skewed and often meaningless statistic.
That being said, I’m particularly proud of what the Big Island Hawaii Life team has accomplished this past year and will write a separate blog about our “numbers.” (because yes, we are a narcissistic bunch, you can expect it will be written from the point of view that Hawaii Life Big Island rules).
Yesterday I was interviewing an agent brand-new to the business. She’d already been to a few other Brokerages in town and was looking for the right “fit.” I’m not sure if she found it with Hawaii Life but the look on her face when I got through describing our Agency policy was priceless! She was astounded.
We represent people. Not money or commission or dollar volume sold or number of transactions. People first.
Catherine Klug
April 15, 2010
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!” People first… congrats, Matt! I am so proud to be part of the Hawaii Life Team.
Catherine Klug
April 15, 2010
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!” People first… congrats, Matt! I am so proud to be part of the Hawaii Life Team.
jan nores
April 15, 2010
Yes, this is my way of life, and business, the reason I work with Hawaii Life!!
Not the biggest, just simply the best service and integrity!
I know that my job is to represent my clients and to facilitate the best
Thank you for being who you are & what you bring to this company!
Always my best,
Jan Nores R(S)
Hawaii Life Real Estate Services, LLC
jan nores
April 15, 2010
Yes, this is my way of life, and business, the reason I work with Hawaii Life!!
Not the biggest, just simply the best service and integrity!
I know that my job is to represent my clients and to facilitate the best
Thank you for being who you are & what you bring to this company!
Always my best,
Jan Nores R(S)
Hawaii Life Real Estate Services, LLC
Diane Chavez
April 16, 2010
Thanks for posting what statistics don’t always impart on a transaction. This generated a unified response and a refreshing get back to basics input from the agents working at Hawaii Life.
Diane Chavez
April 16, 2010
Thanks for posting what statistics don’t always impart on a transaction. This generated a unified response and a refreshing get back to basics input from the agents working at Hawaii Life.
Wayne Pruner
April 26, 2010
Statistics can almost always be manipulated to support you point of view. I am glad to hear that there is some good old fashioned ethics still around. Thanks.
Wayne Pruner
April 26, 2010
Statistics can almost always be manipulated to support you point of view. I am glad to hear that there is some good old fashioned ethics still around. Thanks.
Kona Board of Realtors Announces Award Nominations « Hawaii Real Estate Market
October 19, 2010
[…] Katie Minkus, R(B), is the President-Elect of the Kona Board of Realtors, has served as the Board’s Vice President since 2008, and as a director since 2006. Last month, she graduated from the Hawaii Association of Realtor’s Leadership Academy 2010. Katie has been a driving force in establishing Hawaii Life’s West Hawaii presence by supporting the Big Island group in upgrading their technology, and social networking skills for the current era. Katie echoes Hawaii Life’s founding principle that the standard of service is everything. “We represent people. Not money, or commission, or dollar volume sold, or number of transactions. People first.” […]
Kona Board of Realtors Announces Award Nominations « Hawaii Real Estate Market
October 19, 2010
[…] Katie Minkus, R(B), is the President-Elect of the Kona Board of Realtors, has served as the Board’s Vice President since 2008, and as a director since 2006. Last month, she graduated from the Hawaii Association of Realtor’s Leadership Academy 2010. Katie has been a driving force in establishing Hawaii Life’s West Hawaii presence by supporting the Big Island group in upgrading their technology, and social networking skills for the current era. Katie echoes Hawaii Life’s founding principle that the standard of service is everything. “We represent people. Not money, or commission, or dollar volume sold, or number of transactions. People first.” […]
Kona Board of Realtors Award Erik Hinshaw “Rookie of the Year” « Hawaii Real Estate Market
November 5, 2010
[…] the reason Erik so deserves this recognition—each and every day Erik lives and breathes a higher level of service—where his clients are treated like people, not a commission dollar amount, or transaction number, […]
Kona Board of Realtors Award Erik Hinshaw “Rookie of the Year” « Hawaii Real Estate Market
November 5, 2010
[…] the reason Erik so deserves this recognition—each and every day Erik lives and breathes a higher level of service—where his clients are treated like people, not a commission dollar amount, or transaction number, […]
Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers Katie Minkus is New Vice President of Hawaii Association of Realtors « Hawaii Real Estate Market
July 12, 2011
[…] Katie has been a driving force in establishing Hawaii Life’s West Hawaii presence by supporting the Big Island group in upgrading their technology and social networking skills for the current era. “I pretty much live my life out loud and if there’s one thing I’m committed to, it’s walking my talk. Clearly, that’s one of the most important tenants of leadership, and I believe in transparency,” says Katie. Katie echoes Hawaii Life’s founding principle that the standard of service is everything. “We represent people; not money, or commission, or dollar volume sold, or number of transactions. People first.” […]
Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers Katie Minkus is New Vice President of Hawaii Association of Realtors « Hawaii Real Estate Market
July 12, 2011
[…] Katie has been a driving force in establishing Hawaii Life’s West Hawaii presence by supporting the Big Island group in upgrading their technology and social networking skills for the current era. “I pretty much live my life out loud and if there’s one thing I’m committed to, it’s walking my talk. Clearly, that’s one of the most important tenants of leadership, and I believe in transparency,” says Katie. Katie echoes Hawaii Life’s founding principle that the standard of service is everything. “We represent people; not money, or commission, or dollar volume sold, or number of transactions. People first.” […]