Market Intelligence

Kauai Market Update ~ Q2 2024

Kauai’s real estate market saw solid activity in the second quarter of 2024. Island wide residential sales volume came in at $170.2M during Q2 of 2024 compared to $143M during Q2 of 2023, but down from the $204.7M in volume during Q1 of this year. Though the North Shore had $10.1M in residential sales volume during the most recent quarter, which was up 183% from the first quarter in 2023 ($3.6M), this was a sharp drop from the $84.6M of residential North Shore sales during Q1 of 2024.

Number of island wide residential sales ticked up slightly again with pretty solid numbers. During Q2 2024, there were 93 residential island wide sales compared to 87 during the prior period and 88 during Q2 of 2023. North Shore residential sales came in at 21, up from 19 one year ago and down from 27 during the previous quarter.

Median sales prices for island wide residential properties came in at $1.15M, representing no change from Q2 of 2023 and down from $1.56M during Q1 of 2024. The North Shore median sales price for a single family home was $2.55M during Q2, up from $2.2M (15.9%) respective to both Q1 of 2023 and Q1 of 2024.

While we are commonly seeing price reductions and little buyer urgency, the Kauai real estate market had another solid quarter.

If you’d like to explore the numbers a bit deeper, check out the market snapshot below for Q1 2024, or via the following links for enlarged versions – Kauai Snapshot Q1 2024

kauai q2 real estate snapshot

Monthly Sales and Median Price Statistics

The below chart depicts monthly sales and median prices for both the entire island and the North Shore. Island wide, the number of residential sales (93) over the past three month period is the most we have seen over the past 13 months. Additionally, the month of April alone had 37 sales, the most residential sales in a single month during the past 13 months.

Long-Term Quarterly Median Sales Price Trends

There is a significant amount of variability in median residential prices however prices still remain quite high as the variability hovers around a steady trend line since 2022. Over the past 32 years, Kauai real estate has only seen one dip during the financial crisis. graph of kauai residential median rales price appreciation

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