Kaloko Mauka Real Estate Market Continues to Pick Up Steam - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Kaloko Mauka Real Estate Market Continues to Pick Up Steam

After a long stall in raw land sales in the area, that category has picked up recently. A 3-acre parcel had multiple offers within 2 weeks of listing! That is a huge change from the past few years. You can see construction trucks and the evidence of building going on all over Kaloko, a welcome site as the real estate market continued to pick up steam.

Kaloko residents!

Currently in Kaloko Mauka, there are 4 land parcels on the market ranging in price from $299K-$399K. In the residential market there are 8 active listings, priced from $699K-$1.5M.

Kaloko Mauka – A Special Place to Live on the Big Island

On the slopes of Hualalai lies an area unlike any other in Hawaii, Kaloko Mauka. What makes this place so special is the diversity in climate and landscape as you travel up the mountain on Kaloko Drive from approximately 1,500 feet until the public access ends at 4,000 feet.

Kaloko Land

Old growth Ohia trees dot the landscape

Here, you will also find unique landscape and wildlife. It is such a treat to see the Kaloko parrots migrate for their daily trek to the lower elevations for the day, and back home at night. Typically traveling in pairs, their unique sound always gets me outdoors to watch them fly over.

Kaloko Mauka Climate & Weather

The Big Island of Hawaii claims to have 10 of the worlds climate zones. You will find a wide variety right here in Kaloko. The lower elevations, up to about 2,000 feet, typically have sunny and warm mornings, shady and cooler afternoons, and spectacular, vibrant sunsets.

Beautiful vibrant Kaloko sunset!

Beautiful vibrant Kaloko sunset!

Up the mountain a bit you are surrounded by more of the old growth Ohia forests, ferns, and pines. This is where you are more likely to find yourself in the cloud shroud. I asked a friend of mine that lives at 3,000 elevation what she likes about living further up Kaloko Road without an ocean view. She replied that the forest is her view and nothing is more beautiful than that.

Please call me, a Kaloko resident, if you would like to learn more about this magical, wonderful place I call HOME!

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Kristal Butcher

September 25, 2013

Great article Ro! This is a gorgeous area that stays a little cooler but offers convenience and outstanding views! Thanks for the information.

Kristal Butcher

September 25, 2013

Great article Ro! This is a gorgeous area that stays a little cooler but offers convenience and outstanding views! Thanks for the information.

Pam Deery, R(B)

October 3, 2013

Hi Ro; I actually was one of the competing brokers representing my buyer clients who unfortunately did not “win” the selection of their offer on the lower level lot currently pending. It will be interesting to see the actual closing price once this sale records.

Pam Deery, R(B)

October 3, 2013

Hi Ro; I actually was one of the competing brokers representing my buyer clients who unfortunately did not “win” the selection of their offer on the lower level lot currently pending. It will be interesting to see the actual closing price once this sale records.

Annie Mendoza, RS

October 3, 2013

Mahalo, Ro! Your home is a jewel in the neighborhood, too! Residents that seem to know the ins and outs of Kona realize that it has the special local ingredients: beauty, cool weather, but still VERY close to conveniences of shopping, airport and sunny beaches! I remember in the 80’s, it seems like the “boonies”. LOL:-) But not now…what a perfect spot!

Annie Mendoza, RS

October 3, 2013

Mahalo, Ro! Your home is a jewel in the neighborhood, too! Residents that seem to know the ins and outs of Kona realize that it has the special local ingredients: beauty, cool weather, but still VERY close to conveniences of shopping, airport and sunny beaches! I remember in the 80’s, it seems like the “boonies”. LOL:-) But not now…what a perfect spot!

Lance Owens

October 9, 2013

Great article Ro,
We are very excited about building up there, Sorry Pam, that was us, looking for own place. Just left the planning department, building department, engineering department….. Early stages of a long process

Lance Owens

October 9, 2013

Great article Ro,
We are very excited about building up there, Sorry Pam, that was us, looking for own place. Just left the planning department, building department, engineering department….. Early stages of a long process

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