Aloha, Hey There, and Hola!
Every year in the fall I attempt to go on vacation—two weeks, if possible. (For those of you who remember my last heyday of constant travel from 1998-2003, try hard not to snicker.) These past two years of rocket-powered growth leading the Big Island Hawaii Life team has proven that for this busy Broker-in-Charge, vacation is an absolute imperative for my sanity, and helps restore some equilibrium and balance to my life.
When preparing to leave Hawaii to vacation elsewhere, the question comes up repeatedly, “where do you go on vacation when you live in Hawaii?” Like last year, my answer is…Island Vacation Life, Baby!
Okay, so Las Vegas may technically be attached to the continent called “North America,” but in the mind and hearts of Hawaii residents, Vegas is the “9th Island.” We are all well aware of the conventional thinking behind this nickname, but after living the city of lights life for a week I found other similarities fascinating.
This “island” also subsists—and mostly exists—because of tourism. Our friends own a condo right on the Strip across the street from the Wynn Hotel, and when the economy crashed, they literally sat on their lanai and counted the cars driving up and down the strip. One by one. Gulp.
Happily, the traffic has returned to the Strip—and I promise to never complain about the traffic on the Queen K again.
Speaking of happy, next came the technically-an-island part of our vacation…Aruba! Yes, we went to the Caribbean for our slice of Island Vacation Life this year. They call it “One Happy Island.” I’m not kidding—it says so right on their license plates.
Located about 15 miles off the shore of Venezuela, Aruba is out of the “hurricane zone,” is mostly dry and arid, and is part of the Netherlands. The oil company built a desalinization plant, so everyone can drink water right out of the faucet. Merchants all take U.S. currency, and you can even go through customs inside the Aruba airport, before boarding your plane back to the U.S. It’s like going to another country, but really staying in “America.” Huh. Sounds a bit like my own island home.
Now, I’ve come back with an idea about how palapas on the public beach can help solve some of our county tax/budget issues…
Speaking of customs, the immigration officer asked us suspiciously while checking our passports, “Why did you come all the way to Aruba for vacation when you live in Hawaii?” It’s a popular question.
David Buck
November 24, 2010
Sounds like fun Katie. You deserved it after all your hard work! Welcome back
David Buck
November 24, 2010
Sounds like fun Katie. You deserved it after all your hard work! Welcome back
Haiku Cliffs
November 25, 2010
I get the reason for Vegas, but Aruba is such a long way from Hawaii. Glad you enjoyed it though.
Haiku Cliffs
November 25, 2010
I get the reason for Vegas, but Aruba is such a long way from Hawaii. Glad you enjoyed it though.
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 25, 2010
Mahalo to you both!!
@ Haiku Cliffs: Yes, Aruba is a long way from Hawaii – much closer when you’re already in Vegas!!!! It took us a long time and overnight on the west coast to come home, but was soooo worth it! It’s really a gorgeous, amazing, beautiful island with warm wonderful people. I’d go again in a heartbeat!!
@ David: When are you going on vacation? Aren’t you WAY overdue??? I think our Oahu BIC needs to “go out and play!!” It would be my honor to cover for you.
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 25, 2010
Mahalo to you both!!
@ Haiku Cliffs: Yes, Aruba is a long way from Hawaii – much closer when you’re already in Vegas!!!! It took us a long time and overnight on the west coast to come home, but was soooo worth it! It’s really a gorgeous, amazing, beautiful island with warm wonderful people. I’d go again in a heartbeat!!
@ David: When are you going on vacation? Aren’t you WAY overdue??? I think our Oahu BIC needs to “go out and play!!” It would be my honor to cover for you.
Anthony Sayles
November 26, 2010
Welcome Home Katie. Great Blog post
Anthony Sayles
November 26, 2010
Welcome Home Katie. Great Blog post
Heidi White, R(S)
November 27, 2010
Nice Blog and great vacation Katie. Aruba…Hmm…reading about it just took me away for a few moments. Well deserved time off Katie!
Heidi White, R(S)
November 27, 2010
Nice Blog and great vacation Katie. Aruba…Hmm…reading about it just took me away for a few moments. Well deserved time off Katie!
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 28, 2010
Mahalo, Anthony and Heidi!
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 28, 2010
Mahalo, Anthony and Heidi!
Yoga and Real Estate – It’s a Practice « Hawaii Real Estate Market
March 30, 2011
[…] rest (and celebrate!) along the way, and for me, those are some of the sweetest moments. Everyone goes on vacation, it’s critical to our clients and our team that no one person burns out. It’s something […]
Yoga and Real Estate – It’s a Practice « Hawaii Real Estate Market
March 30, 2011
[…] rest (and celebrate!) along the way, and for me, those are some of the sweetest moments. Everyone goes on vacation, it’s critical to our clients and our team that no one person burns out. It’s something […]