
Is That A Listing In Your Pocket?

I just love being told a secret.

The trust given along with the secret suggests that I am dependable and competent. It can create a lasting friendship and validate a connection.

Secrets are also a responsibility since protected information could be hurtful or useful, or valuable.

A pocket listing is a secret.

It’s an otherwise undisclosed property that is quietly for sale and a promise between a seller and an agent to be shared with potential buyers. There are a number of reasons sellers prefer to sell their properties through pocket listings, but generally, it comes down to issues of confidentiality and privacy, as some folks just don’t want everybody to know their business.

Realtors prize pocket listings as a means to work with both buyers and sellers in a more personal way. Being entrusted with a pocket listing creates a bond with a seller and there’s a feeling of exclusivity that is appealing to buyers.

It also gives certain realtors, myself included, a chance to offer something unique and different to clients.

I always seem to have a few in my pocket and yes, I’d be happy to see you.

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Julie Stromg

January 21, 2019

Nice Pete ??

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