Helping Seniors Move - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Helping Seniors Move

If you are a senior looking to downsize, you may be overwhelmed by the process. We all have a tendency to accumulate things. If you have lived in your property a long time, you probably have a lot of stuff. A whole lot of stuff! And, let’s face it, probably a lot of it is no longer necessary. Still, it can be hard to let go of things you’ve held onto for a long time. Let’s face it, we aren’t very objective when our emotions are involved. And,  who doesn’t get emotional when it comes to packing up a home filled with loving memories?

Get Help From Professional Packers & Movers

That’s where a professional comes in. If you need help making those hard decisions, we understand. We have professional organizers, packers, and movers at your disposal. We also have a whole lot of understanding when it comes to the enormity of a move, especially for our senior clientele. Don’t judge me, but I still have boxes filled with my adult “kid’s” elementary school paraphernalia. I get it. But, I also get that there is freedom in letting go and moving on. Don’t stay stuck because the job is overwhelming to you. Get help. Moving is hard, so take advantage of services that can simplify and make the process easier on you.

Let me give you an example. I sold a home for a widower a few years back. He was lovely. But, he was grieving big time. The process could not be rushed. He needed emotional support and understanding. He also needed physical help. So, I brought in a professional to help him sort through and pack all of his belongings. Together, we helped him to make decisions that were right for him. In this case, he decided to keep everything. No worries. We packed it up.  Tenderly. Gingerly. After packing, we helped organize the house so that it would be easier for showing and selling. We took a lot of time in the process. There was a lot of hand holding, a few tears, and some struggles along the way. But, he had the help he needed and he moved on to a less encumbered, more positive future.

Moving is the process. Moving on is the goal. Getting help is the how. We all need each other and at certain seasons of life, even more so. There is help available to you — professionals who can help you with paperwork, organizing, packing, and processing all the things that a change in season entails. Moving is never easy, but with help, it is absolutely doable.

I love helping my senior clientele and I’m here to help you. Helping Seniors move, moves me!

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Sandra T Lee

August 8, 2020

I feel encouraged by your articles, especially on de-cluttering. I live in California right now. Since the pandemic, I have been trying to declutter a little at a time.

My goal is to get my belongings to a manageable size, look for another location to move to. I live in a condo, unfortunately, I have noisy neighbors. I have been blessed with over 30 years of living here with quiet neighbors, up until 2 years ago. It is a wake up call, for me to be ready to move. I am an active and healthy senior.

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