You're Never Too Old to Buy Real Estate - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

You’re Never Too Old to Buy Real Estate

Are you a senior? Do you want to buy a new home? Are you concerned that the sun has set on your purchasing power? I have good news — you are never too old to buy real estate. Do you know that there are people in their eighties and nineties purchasing property? No matter your age, you can obtain a 30-year mortgage. That’s right — you are never too old to buy a home! If you are a senior, you can still get a mortgage just like everyone else. As long as you qualify financially, you can buy. Elderly people are protected against age bias by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. So, a lender cannot refuse you a 30-year mortgage, even if you are 90!  Of course, you still have to qualify.

Never Too Old For Change

Look — just because you are a senior doesn’t mean you have to stay stuck. You are never too old to change things up. In fact, you may finally have the ability to do so! With kids and college tuitions behind you, you may have more freedom and flexibility than ever before. Do you want to buy that dream home you’ve always wanted? Maybe it’s time for a smaller home or condo? Or, do you want to move to a home closer to the kids? The grandkids? Maybe it’s a second home you are yearning for. Whatever the reason you want to move, you can do it!

What’s Holding You Back?

One of the great things about aging is the freedom to finally do some things that you’ve put off for years. There was a time when you were likely bound by a job, kids, bills, and a myriad of other things that kept you from realizing some of your own dreams. So, what’s holding you back now? You only live once, and with today’s great mortgage rates, maybe this is the perfect time to finally do something for you.

Find the Path That’s Right For You

Seniors choose all sorts of paths. Some choose to stay put and live happily ever after in their beloved home. But, some get a bug for something new. Something adventurous. Something different. You have choices, and you have options. If you think you are too old to make a move, think again. In fact, maybe a change of scenery is just what you need. Maybe a new home and community will awaken you to new possibilities. There is nothing like a new home to infuse you with new energy and excitement.

You aren’t too old to buy real estate, and there is no time like the present to jump in and do something new.  Something just for you!

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diane rioux

September 7, 2020

it is great to buy an ugly house that my kifd can repair slowly

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