You're a Senior. I'm a Senior. - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

You’re a Senior. I’m a Senior.

If you are a senior, we probably have a lot in common. I hope some of our commonality stems from the fact that we are still very much young-at-heart. Joyful. Enthusiastic. Fun-loving. Yes, we may not be as young as we once were, but hopefully, we’ve reached an age where we choose to see the humor in things. Perhaps, like me, your humor is often self-deprecating. After all, it’s preferable to laugh over our waning abilities and our advancing years, than to bemoan the fact that we aren’t quite who we used to be.

With Aging Comes Freedom

There is no argument that aging does have its downside. Our physical and mental faculties do diminish over time. But, we’ve also reached an age where we can laugh at ourselves! Accept ourselves. We even find that we don’t have to prove how smart we are or how successful we are becoming. We no longer feel as if we have to impress others. There is freedom that comes from aging. We are free to admit our failings and to accept who we are and what we can and cannot change. We are experienced enough to know that there is no point in crying over spilled milk, but also wise enough to know that we still have the ability to change ourselves and how we respond to things.

I love the authenticity that comes with age. Authenticity is something that is so often lacking in this day and age. Older people are much more apt to be their authentic selves, and there is nothing more attractive or compelling than someone who is authentic. Real. Genuine.

Embrace this Stage of Life

You’re a senior. I’m a senior. You and I have made mistakes. Missed opportunities. But, our experiences have provided insight and wisdom that can only be earned through life’s experiences. And so, we have a choice to make. Will we embrace this stage of life and will we use our wisdom and gifts for advancing the lives of those around us? I hope the answer is a resounding yes!

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