Aloha from “stay at home/work from home” Honolulu. I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe.
As many of you are aware, the state of Hawaii has adopted the “stay at home/work from home” and “14-day quarantine” mandates enacted in many parts of the USA. But real estate is considered an “essential” business, so life goes on, although a little differently. No open houses for now, no in-person meetings, and we are using video-chats/FaceTime/zoom apps. Escrows are still being opened and closed, transactions are being recorded, and “we are open for business.”
Please feel free to reach out if you would like any information, and keep washing your hands!
Here are some pictures at sunset that I was able to take because I was working from home.
ご存知の通り、ハワイ州も他のアメリカの州と同じ様に”Stay at home/work from home”(自宅待機)と14日の検疫期間を発令しました。しかし不動産業は”必要業種”とされて、ちょっと形態は変わりますが営業中です。オープンハウスは無し、お客様と会う事も極力控えてビデオ・フェースタイム・Zoom等のアプリを使ってコミュニケーションを取ります。エスクローもオープンしたり、無事に成約したり、「営業中」です。
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