Working With a Mortgage Lender During Tax Season - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Buying Advice

Working With a Mortgage Lender During Tax Season

Lenders + Tax Season

With tax season approaching, there has never been a better time to go and connect with a mortgage lender. You’ll have all your tax paperwork out which is exactly what a lender needs to pre-qualify you, so why not?

Whether you want to purchase your first home now or in 6-9 months, a lender can help you establish how much home you can actually afford and what loan programs you can qualify for. Lenders are patient and will work with you to improve your credit score and show you ways to grow your down-payment. I can go on and on about the many benefits lenders can provide you with, but I’m hoping you see my point.

When I close on a home with a first time home buyer, I usually hear one of two things from my client. “I wish we had done this sooner” or “that was easier than I thought.” That’s why I am here, encouraging you to take the next step. It is 100% free to call a lender and ask questions. One of our many jobs as realtors and mortgage lenders is to make sure you feel heard and educated and to help you understand the home buying process. We want you to ask questions.

The Hard Stuff

Like anything that is worth doing, the first step can often be a challenge. I hear from my clients time and again that they are ashamed to have a lender look over their finances. They know they could have done better in a specific area or spent less money on golf games, Target runs, or their quarantinis (quarantine martinis). Trust me when I say, there is no shame in this game. We have seen it all! We have one goal we are working towards and that is to get you approved for your home mortgage.

Again, this is about you taking the first step and establishing where you are in your home buying process. If you don’t know where to start, you can connect with me here, on my website. I can recommend a few mortgage lenders that I trust and know do a phenomenal job.

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Mark Toth

December 31, 2020

Nani looking down the road to purchase a ocean front condo on maui, oahu or kauai. want to get to know the market so just looking to look right now. can u help gey me on an email list?

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