5 Tips For an Unforgettable Whale Watching Adventure on Kauai - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

5 Tips For an Unforgettable Whale Watching Adventure on Kauai

Whale watching off the Napali Coast

Each year Kohola, the Hawaiian Humpback whale, swim from Alaskan feeding grounds to the warm waters of Hawaii. The whales journey across vast oceans, navigating by instinct alone. Hawaii is their winter home, a place to play, to give birth, and to start new generations.

If you are in Hawaii during the months of December through April, don’t miss out on an unforgettable Kauai whale watching experience. What a great place to see the whales in their natural environment. Each year, the great Humpback Whales migrate some 4,500 miles, from summer feeding grounds in Alaska, to mate in the warm waters of Hawaii.

Hawaii is a popular destination for whale watching because, during mating season, Humpback whales are more active resulting in elevated surface activity. This whale surface behavior, such as breaching and tail slaps, make for exciting whale watching in Hawaii.

5 Tips for an Unforgettable Whale Watching Adventure:

1. Plan your trip during peak months

Humpback whales begin arriving in Hawaii in November and head back to Alaska in late May.

2. Visit islands known for whale watching

Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island are the most popular islands for Hawaii whale watching, so plan to visit one of these islands on your vacation.

3. Plan a boat tour

Hawaii whale watching tours are ideal for seeing these spectacular animals in their natural habitat.

4. Respect their space

In Hawaii, whale watching is an avid activity, and like with most outdoors activities, there are rules. Observers may not approach by vessel, or by swimming within 100 yards of a whale (known as the 100-yard minimum rule).

5. Preserve the Humpback whale

Humpback whale preservation is vital because these magnificent creatures almost came to extinction in 1966 after mass commercial whaling during the early 20th century.

It is truly a remarkable experience, and one you will never forget.

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January 23, 2011

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hawaii Whale Watch, HawaiiLife. HawaiiLife said: 5 Tips for an Unforgettable Whale Watching Adventure on Kauai http://bit.ly/eUIJdG […]

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