Whale Season in the Islands - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Whale Season in the Islands

The geographic positioning of the Hawaiian Islands is the reason for so many of the islands’ gifts, for example, our beautiful weather and our surf exposure.

whale swimming along kauai shore

Another less obvious result of our geography is that the islands are perfectly positioned as a warm water breeding and birthing ground for Humpbacks of the Pacific. Every year from November to March, we get the blessing of sharing our waters with these graceful giants as they migrate from colder northern waters to bare their young.

Hello Whales from Hawaii Life Real Estate

From land or sea, they are an incredible sight to witness. From the beach, it’s always exciting to see that unexpected monumental splash offshore and know it’s a playing whale. Even better, from the lineup at Hanalei, while we await the next set of waves and we can witness a playful breach or slapping tail.

Each season we look forward to the days when the wind is still and we can motor (or paddle canoe) offshore for a closer encounter. It is a remarkable and memorable experience to see them up close and personal – another one of the blessings of a Hawaii Life.

April means it is time to say goodbye to these noble friends, but we always look forward to their return later this year.

whale breaching

A humpback whale plays in the golden sunset light.

Humpback whale breaching the water of the coast of Maui in the springtime.

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