West Hawaii Humane Society Update - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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West Hawaii Humane Society Update

Our local West Hawaii Humane Society was donated a 13 acre parcel with several buildings many years ago. We now see an end and hopefully the community will soon be able to enjoy the new facility. Or at least the dog parks!

West Hawaii Association of Realtors sponsored a work day in November and another work party day in December.

Leiola Augustine, Broker of the Hawaii Life – Kona office; MerryAnne Stone, Realtor Hawaii Life; MerryAnne’s Granddaughter Chelsea

Our goal was to plant ground cover plants all around the new facility. It was two fun days of moving this long-awaited project closer to completion.

MerryAnne Stone, Realtor Hawaii Life; and good friend Gail Jamison, Realtor Coldwell Banker

Second day rained so planting was cooler and the plants seeded in better. This elevation will get rain to sustain the landscaping, with the help of irrigation!

All our dogs just do not understand why it is taking so long!

This is Max at the local humane society. While he loves his pool, he’s going to enjoy the moving showers & sprays at the new facility.

Although North Kona residents and landowners faced lengthy county-mandated emergency water restrictions that prohibited irrigation throughout the summer months, construction at the new Animal Community Center progressed. Sidewalks were poured. Restroom and shade structures were built and soil deliveries, fencing and paving for the adjacent parking lot got underway.

The grow-in period for new grass requires intense and frequent watering. Automated landscape irrigation was not permitted under the county’s emergency water restriction, we had to ask the pooches to be patient for a bit longer. Barks of joy were heard when the county announced an easing of water restriction in early October. With irrigation back on, albeit reduced usage, landscape and grass planting have begun.

The campus seems to change daily and each step brings us closer and closer to opening the Central Bark Dog Parks.

This new facility is located up mauka on Old Mamalahoa Hwy near the county Water Dept. It is approximately 13 acres with two bark parks one for small dogs and the other for BIG dogs. The new administration building is being remodeled and there are is huge Cat House, not just a couple of converted storage areas. There will also be a fenced pasture for the larger homeless animals like horses, donkeys, etc.

My real estate slogan has always been, “The key to happiness is elevation”. The current facility is located off the Queen Kaahumanau Hwy by the Police station at elevation of 100ft. Everyone and dogs too are usually hot, hot hot!…..our new facility will be at a very cool elevation of 1,000 ft!

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