I’ve been a Gypsy-Footed Homebody as long as I can remember. As much as I’ve traversed the globe, from Malibu to Maui to those three tickets to Bali, I can honestly say home is my natural habitat. It’s a sanctuary, shelter, safe haven. Home is my nurturer of creativity, spirit, and career.
Admittedly, in doing my small part in the well-being of the world, I’m enjoying this slow down for the grace to enjoy home. To take care of my space and dream of projects that will beautify it. To create space to live a bit more beautifully.
In living beautifully, I’m falling in love all over again with calling this area of West Maui home. The lifestyle of Kapalua-Napili-Kahana, which I lovingly call “Upper West Maui.” lends itself to subtlety and solitude. Amid COVID-19 and Shelter-in-Place, I’m grateful for the daily routines we’re able to continue. Much of what is considered essential activity, and appropriately distanced, is naturally part of our residents’ regime.

Sunset at Napili Bay
Our area’s evergreen quiet and peace flows from our seashore and resort to abundant coastal and mountain trails. From a swim with sea turtles in the crystal water of Napili’s Honokeana Cove, to a walk through manicured Kapalua Resort sidewalks, hiking our sea-misted Kapalua Coastal Trail and never-ending Kapalua Walking Paths, to meandering amongst the shade of Cook Pines lining Pineapple Hill or Honolua’s greenery along turquoise waters, it’s okay to enjoy our space here. In fact, embracing space is welcomed and respected at any time.
It’s simple as a walk out our door: lace up the tennis shoes and we’re met with miles of trails from pavement to earth, and easy strolls down to the cove in sandals and swimwear for sunset dips in the sea. For many of our residents’ activities, no car is needed at all. Or, its a mere three to five minute drive to our destination. It’s truly a matter of stepping outside and deciding what suits our mood.
When things get to buzzing again, as they surely will, us Upper West Maui residents have our pick of activities to complement the quiet. Dining to delight international epicureans and oenophiles, world-class tennis and golf, the Forbes Five-Star Destination Spa Montage, black-tie events, and some of the most beautiful beaches on Maui top the list.
I’ll always love the occasional roam around our isle, embracing my Gypsy-side Honolua to Hana (and a few exotic beautiful destinations in between). . . but this downtime truly reminds me of why this area of West Maui felt so alluring as I initially put down roots. The privacy, nature, solitude, plus a chameleon-like quality which both embraces and invites both a salt of the earth, introspective quality as well as sipping the occasional fancy glass of wine with the girls. No place like home.
From my Napili Sanctuary,
Warmest of Aloha, Safety, and Wellness,
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