Top 7 Reasons to Retire on the Big Island of Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Top 7 Reasons to Retire on the Big Island of Hawaii

Starting with #7, here are the top seven reasons you should retire on the Big Island of Hawaii:

7. Relaxed vibe. Slow paced. Very little traffic. Hawaii ranked #1 as the “least stressed and most happy” state.


Relaxing day at Mauna Kea Beach

6. Comfortable, diverse climates. Warm ocean water averages 74 degrees. Big Island offers a huge variety of climates to choose from. Craving sun and heat? Move to the sunny Kohala Coast. Want to live amongst rolling hills and green pastures? Choose the chilly, upcountry feel of Waimea (also known as the Farmers’ Market Capital of Hawaii). Prefer to keep your skin naturally moisturized with a rainy (but also warm) climate? You’ll love Hawi on Hawaii Island’s northern tip.


Stand up paddle boarding in the brackish ponds at Kiholo Bay

5. Big Island residents feel less “island fever” than residents from the other major Hawaiian islands. Geographically, the Big Island is so large that all of the other Hawaiian islands could fit inside its borders. So big that you can drive five hours away for a “getaway weekend” and not have driven in a complete circle. The Big Island has 11 of the 13 climate zones in the world, so if you are craving cold, just drive atop Mauna Kea mountain (at over 13,000 feet in elevation). Craving remoteness? Head on out to the hundreds of remote hikes, waterfall swims, lava tube explorations, and secluded beaches the Big Island has to offer.

4. Visitors. Family and friends come to you. You’ll be amazed to hear from long lost friends and relatives who are dying to come and visit you once you’re settled in Hawaii! What grandchild can resist coming to Hawaii?

“Working” days on improving your golf game

3. Diversity. Big Island is known for being a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, languages, and appearances. Not a weekend goes by when you couldn’t find some kind of a cultural celebration to enjoy.

2. Bring your pets. Good news is that the days of having to put your treasured pets in animal jail before they can enjoy Hawaii with you are gone. Visit the State of Hawaii Animal Industry Division’s page to bring yourself up to date with today’s current guidelines on bringing your pet to Hawaii.

And the #1 reason…

Your health. MoneyRate said, “seniors in Hawaii live longer past the age of 65 than in any other state in the nation!”

So, what are you waiting for?

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Johan Cruz

December 29, 2014

thank you

Kathryn Freitas

January 4, 2015

Thank you for reading, Johan. Glad you enjoyed!

Johan Cruz

December 29, 2014

thank you

Kathryn Freitas

January 4, 2015

Thank you for reading, Johan. Glad you enjoyed!

Mike Ridgeway

January 7, 2015

Getting closer to retirement, one of these days! I’ll share these reasons to help convince my wife. 🙂

Kathryn Freitas

January 8, 2015

Great to hear, Mike. Hope you and your wife can make it soon! Let me know if I can help.

Mike Ridgeway

January 7, 2015

Getting closer to retirement, one of these days! I’ll share these reasons to help convince my wife. 🙂

Kathryn Freitas

January 8, 2015

Great to hear, Mike. Hope you and your wife can make it soon! Let me know if I can help.


January 12, 2015

We are 5 years from retirement and Hawaii is one of two places we are looking to retire, acreage we could build on or Hawaii. I am hoping to find affordable land on the big island, this would take care of both wishes!

Kathryn Freitas, R(B)

January 12, 2015

Aloha Nancy! Great to hear. My family and I have lived on the Big Island for almost 20 years now and absolutely love what Big Island has to offer. Don’t hesitate to contact me (808.896.3348 or when I can be of assistance to you.


January 12, 2015

We are 5 years from retirement and Hawaii is one of two places we are looking to retire, acreage we could build on or Hawaii. I am hoping to find affordable land on the big island, this would take care of both wishes!

Kathryn Freitas, R(B)

January 12, 2015

Aloha Nancy! Great to hear. My family and I have lived on the Big Island for almost 20 years now and absolutely love what Big Island has to offer. Don’t hesitate to contact me (808.896.3348 or when I can be of assistance to you.

Susanne Darius

December 22, 2016

I’m interested in retiring in Hawaii, could you email me please? I have some specific questions.



April 17, 2019

Next year we will be ready to move to Hawaii at long last. Question remains which island, we like Kaneohe on Oahu, several different places on Maui, and lots of places on the Big Island. Oahu and Maui mean condos or town homes, Big Island means house with ocean view and a pool. Hmmm let’s see. I think my husband is now convinced it’s the Big Island. Hurray!

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