To Market, To Market!! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

To Market, To Market!!

“You’ll wonder where the yellow went!” “See the USA in a Chevrolet!” “Double your pleasure, double your fun!” …… When that Chevy sat on top of that mountain every Sunday night, we remembered. Those twins put Doublemint gum on the map and I’m not even sure Pepsodent is still in production but I certainly recall their slogan more than 50 years later!

Advertising vs. Marketing

Messages repeated again and again, stick. Studies tell us that it takes a minimum of 7 impressions to cause an impact. With a direct mail campaign, for instance, we know that if we aren’t willing to mail at least 7 pieces within a short period, we may as well not send any at all. Question is…is advertising the same as marketing and if not, at what point does advertising stop and marketing begin? In simplest terms, advertising is a basic component of marketing. Marketing really refers to a systematic plan that incorporates various forms of systematic exposure. The goal, of course, is to reach a desired sales goal.

What is Successful Marketing?

In my mind, successful marketing is as much a function of quality as quantity. The most effective ads help move the buyer mentally into the property. Anyone can compose a sterile ad with a list of features but good advertising evokes emotion. The more advertising touches the needs and desires of the buyer, the higher the probability the REALTORs® “phone” will ring. After all, when it comes to real estate, making contact is really the goal; nothing more, nothing less.

A Marketing Plan

Whether it’s photos, text or something as simple as a sign placement, I spend a good deal of time capturing the essence of what’s special about a property. It really pays off. That’s the quality part. Coupled with the quantity created through an aggressive marketing effort, a well-priced product should sell quickly. The tough part is that any component of the marketing plan can be critical. The open houses, social networking, board caravans, broad web presence, property brochures and even the accessibility of the agent and the person answering inquiries all weave together to become part of the plan for marketing the property; the marketing plan. In a broad sense, it’s a plan for addressing the real task of capturing buyers by systematically implementing specific components of the plan.

If it’s true that “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” then the plan for marketing the property creates a road map to success.So when you decide to go “to market,” look for a plan. Because, after all, without a plan everything else is just advertising.

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