The Best Investment …Is in Your Home - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

The Best Investment …Is in Your Home

Real estate transactions demonstrate that people are willing to pay more for properties with good views and standard features such as a pool or bathtub. The addition of interactive biophilic elements, however, can not only increase the likability of a home but also improve the homeowner’s health simultaneously. Throughout the pandemic people realized the importance of investing in oneself; after all, we have to live with ourselves for the rest of our lives. The Biophilic Design of a property is based upon this fundamental principle. Hawaii is the perfect location for a healthy home design of this kind.

Health and Environment Are Intertwined

Our health is largely determined by the environment we live in; ideally, this environment will complement our physical, mental, energetic, emotional and spiritual aspects. The human body consists of billions of cells, with around sixty percent of it being water. We inhabit a complex avatar of live flesh that allows us to see, touch, hear, think, and feel, while protecting us from the matrix of matter, space, and time. In a perfect world, we’ll be well educated from an early age to understand the complex nature of our existence and taught daily practices for its maintenance. Yet that is still a wish in the making.

Nature-Inspired Lifestyle

To make lasting changes, one must adopt a lifestyle that reconnects their physical, mental, energetic, and emotional bodies of existence with the elements of nature. However, most people fail to understand the implications of being desynchronized with nature’s biorhythms. Stress is the root of all evil, and it is the biggest obstacle on the path of self-healing and rejuvenating. Nobel Laureate Dr. Hans Seyle details the types of stress we experience in our modern lifestyles, such as emotional, structural, biochemical and energetic stressors. To decrease these stressors, and allow our bodies to heal, we must learn how to properly manage our stress.

Ninety-nine percent of people change their lifestyle for two reasons: if they understand the logic of why they should be making changes or if they experience a health scare, which, in some cases, is too late for transformation. This is simple human behavior; we are master procrastinators and make excuses for the lack of practicing what we preach. Biophilic Design eliminates these excuses and delivers the necessary habitat for success. If you don’t design your home with the fundamentals for practicing a healthy lifestyle, you won’t live up to it. The gym becomes too far away and the meditation practice always starts from tomorrow. Our perception is the basic problem today. We don’t see that our homes have great power over us. We’re enslaved by our homes and work hard to improve its appearance so when the right time comes, we can cash out.

We’re preoccupied with improvements that increase the home’s value while overlooking the fact that our life is happening now. We work tirelessly for our home while compromising our health. The concept of Biophilic Design reverses this perception by making the home work for your well-being. We know the overall problem- we are desynchronized with nature’s biorhythms. We acknowledge this fact conversationally but don’t understand the actual implications.

Our body can heal and rejuvenate itself if we furnish it with the right tools and create a healthy environment that supports it. There are two blockages that interfere with our body’s ability to regenerate cells; if we learn how to handle these two, we don’t need to know anything else. The first obstacle is stress — the root of all evil. Since we can’t eliminate it completely, we can learn how to manage it so it doesn’t harm our body. The second obstacle is our inability to fully absorb direct energy from the sun. We must decrease the stressors and consume pure food to minimalize stress on our organs and have less toxic residue to dispose of so our inner intelligence can switch the energy flow from cleaning the mess to regenerating new tissues. The full wellness formula is embedded in a lifestyle, and Biophilic Design outlines the blueprint for success. We can use a lot of money or minimal investment to redesign our home and change our lifestyle habits.

How to Integrate Biophilic Design in Your Home

There are two main methods of integrating biophilic design in your home — direct and indirect. Direct experiences of nature include tangible contact with nature’s elements like airflow, temperature, and humidity, natural light, water, plants, and animals. Indirect experiences of nature are depictions of nature in our home like landscape images, natural materials and colors, natural shapes and forms, and more. These core principles of biophilic design are not difficult to apply in our home environment, yet a professional touch is unmatched. With the right drive for health and the will to find a way, we can create a healthy home environment and make it a lifestyle that enrich and maintain our well being.

Want to Know More?

Please contact me if you would a copy of Hawai’i Life’s Luxury Market Report and advice on Biophilic Design. My next publication reveals more details on designing particular areas of a Biophilic home.

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