Tastes of Hawaii Recipe - Old Fashion Peanut Brittle From Kauai's Old Plantation Days - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Tastes of Hawaii Recipe – Old Fashion Peanut Brittle From Kauai’s Old Plantation Days

Week 47 – Old Fashion Peanut Brittle!

Old Fashion Peanut Brittle Recipe (super simple)

  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 cups raw Spanish peanuts
  • 1 cup white karo syrup
  • 3 heaping tsp. soda
  • 1 T. butter
  • 1/2 tsp. salt


Heat sugar, nuts, karo, and butter to 300 degrees, stirring occasionally. (Stir constantly in beginning until sugar and karo melt together so nuts and sugar won’t scorch). After it cooks to 300, remove from heat and add salt and soda (mix salt and soda together first) and stir, pour onto greased surface. Let cool and break into pieces. Enjoy.

As mentioned in my first recipe blog, Hawaii is a wonderful mix of cultures and each of these peoples brought with them their customs and foods. The early plantation days saw these combining cultures creating foods that are unique only to Hawaii. We thank these early pioneers who planted and nurtured these plantation fields and created many of these amazing recipes.

Because we have this rich Hawaiian heritage, I started this running blog that features recipes with a Hawaiian flair. If you love collecting recipes, please check back so that you can collect your favorites.

Anini Vista Property

Kauai’s north shore is known worldwide for its unique beauty. We have a 3 acre lot in Anini Vista that comes complete with a guest house, barn with office loft, and plans for a 4,000 sq.ft. main house (MLS# 247366). If you are looking to build something yourself, you can live in your guest house and watch your home be built – all of this for $1,250,000.

Guesthouse already on this 3 acre property

View from the home site

If you are considering purchasing or selling property on Kauai, we are here to make this experience as rewarding as possible. My sister and I work as a team to help people make their dreams come true. Please contact us with your real estate needs, we are here to assist. 

Ilona Coffey, RS

Lucy Adams, RS

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Shaylyn Kimura, RA

July 17, 2012

This lot is incredible! Who wouldn’t want to wake up each morning to such breathtaking views? Beautiful property.

Shaylyn Kimura, RA

July 17, 2012

This lot is incredible! Who wouldn’t want to wake up each morning to such breathtaking views? Beautiful property.

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