Talk Story #53 - Centrally Located Kaka'ako Offers Diverse Family Friendly Activities for Oahu Locals and Tourists - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Talk Story #53 – Centrally Located Kaka’ako Offers Diverse Family Friendly Activities for Oahu Locals and Tourists

Ahh, the smell of fresh, hot rolls and loaves of bread right out of the oven…and Hawaiian music casually played during the Saturday outdoor Farmers’ Market time. The Farmers’ Market is located on the Ewa side, roof parking lot of the famous Ala Moana Shopping Center, where Tourists and Kama’aina (long time residents) alike arrive early to look over the large number of booths with their fresh fruits, homemade goodies, flowers, and of course…ono (good) food!

A can't miss – Baker Dudes – Ahhh, the smell is fabulous

I notice the camaraderie among many as neighbors meet each other, and stop a moment and listen to the music and bite into that tasty hot, fresh breakfast roll and sip some famous Hawaii grown coffee.

Enjoy Hawaiian music casually played

Centrally Located Kaka’ako Includes Waterfront Working & Pleasure Areas

Centrally located between the city of Honolulu and Waikiki, Kaka’ako is an area of transition with its high rise luxury condominiums and low profile apartment buildings, and blocks of light industrial activity. The waterfront working and pleasure areas include the Ala Wai small boat harbor with the Waikiki Yacht Club and the Hawaii Yacht Club.

Enjoy junior sailing clubs, fishing tournaments, weekly sailing races, and where one of the world’s longest running ocean races – the TransPac – ends every 2 years after starting from Los Angeles. Boats from around the world find shelter here in the various berths.

Ala Wai recreational boat harbor, Ala Moana Park and shopping center, highrises, and Kakaako Waterfront areas

The Ala Wai canal ends at this harbor with the Ala Moana Blvd bridge spanning from the Waikiki side. Continuing on around the curve is Magic Island and the Ala Moana Beach Park, very much a favorite with the local families – especially for the Friday night fireworks show put on by the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel. This area is also a favorite for the occasional permitted camping or learning how to fish and getting your first catch.

Kewalo Basin is situated just on the other side of the Park and is the scenic location for the commercial boat activities and adjacent to the Basin is the Kaka’ako Waterfront. More on that area in another “Talk Story.”

Let’s ‘Talk Story’

Shopping, relaxing, going to and from the office or workplace…Why not live here too? A great potential for anyone desiring a prime, prime location to move to with so many diverse opportunities nearby.

If you would like to enjoy living life to the fullest…contact me and let’s ‘Talk Story’ (a friendly discussion or chat) over what you are looking for and your parameters. Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers is a statewide private (not franchised) company of fresh, enthusiastic professional agents available on every island and any area you are interested in. Allow me to assist you in finding that perfect location and the sales person who knows it best! I look forward to hearing from you.

With warm Aloha,

Email: Jeanne@HawaiiLife

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Heidi Farmer, R(S)

December 21, 2012

what great information on the area. Thank you

Jeanne E Buboltz

December 22, 2012

I am pleased you like the Talk Story #53 there are numerous links to find out more info. Please check my many others too….often with Territorial years in comparison to todays Lifestyles….With Aloha, Jeanne EB

Heidi Farmer, R(S)

December 21, 2012

what great information on the area. Thank you

Jeanne E Buboltz

December 22, 2012

I am pleased you like the Talk Story #53 there are numerous links to find out more info. Please check my many others too….often with Territorial years in comparison to todays Lifestyles….With Aloha, Jeanne EB

Linda Rattray

January 4, 2013

Hi Jeanne,
I was showing this to Chacha. She said she had not been there but would go the next time she is at her condo on a Saturday. I bet all the condo owners in the area frequent this farmers Market. Great photos too.

Linda Rattray

January 4, 2013

Hi Jeanne,
I was showing this to Chacha. She said she had not been there but would go the next time she is at her condo on a Saturday. I bet all the condo owners in the area frequent this farmers Market. Great photos too.

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