Talk Story #47 - Shopping For Waikiki Real Estate in a Condominium Buyer's Mecca - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Talk Story #47 – Shopping For Waikiki Real Estate in a Condominium Buyer’s Mecca

Recently, there was a great opportunity in Waikiki – the ability to view more than 30 condominium units all with OPEN signs, during a 3 hour time frame! Special trolleys were available and even a couple of Pedicabs for a fun 2 person ride to the ‘Gold Coast’ section at the base of Diamond Head.

Everyone and anyone interested in viewing these particular properties had only to stop by Jimmy Buffets restaurant and pick up a map, if they had not already read and cut out the ad in our local newspaper or other advertising. We could just hop on for a quick ride or walk to the various locations.

Touring Waikiki Condominiums

The afternoon ‘event’ was arranged by Coldwell Banker-Pacific Properties and I knew it would be a perfect opportunity for representing my potential buyer, along with Hawaii Life, by showing him several units that day – one of which might turn out to be of particular interest, while having a great time in the process!   

Gold Coast condo hunting in a Pedicab!

Here we are, catching a bit of the atmosphere of living life to the fullest in and around the Waikiki area. There were the usual multitudes of visitors along with the added activity of Oahu realtors with their clients. Lots of smiles and laughter and “Aloha” everywhere as others joined in with the touring of Waikiki condominiums available to purchase.

Waikiki Offers Excellent Condo Selections

The majority of the Waikiki condos are just a block or two away from the famous beach strip and hotels. Between the Ala Wai Canal and the ocean, the selection is excellent with varied asking price ranges, living areas, and amenities.

Condo's along the Ala Wai canal, with golf course/mountain views in the Waikiki area

A good example of one of the established older condominiums in mid-Waikiki with a surprising area of garden surroundings is the Liliuokalani Gardens – check out my photo gallery of units available. If this location intrigues you, please contact me and ask for more information. That is what I am here for.

Choosing a Condo That’s Right For You

For some, there is the first exciting visit, and then the decision, and making the move follows soon after…Some ease into it all by choosing to purchase a residence or condominium in a steadfast way at the right time in their lives.

Perhaps you have been considering a rental investment such as a ‘condotel’ unit (combination of a front desk Hotel entrance but “condominiumized”) with the occasional going back and forth to Hawaii for “just hanging out” and enjoying the sun, and/or checking out the nightlife?

Looking for a place to retire? Want to totally relax for a limited time? Or do you just want to do what so many do here in Hawaii…get out there and get some great surfing in before the office opens, or at least after the work day is “pau” (finished or done)? Whatever your needs or desires are, you are sure to find something that will satisfy you.

Let’s Talk Story!

Let’s “Talk Story” and discuss what you are wanting, so we can zero in on making your search a successful one. Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers and I are here to assist you in discovering “the one.”

Contact me, let’s get started! 
Aloha, Jeanne

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