"Stay at Home" Order - A Great Time to Purge! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

“Stay at Home” Order – A Great Time to Purge!

Unbelievable times we are living through. Hawaii’s mandated Stay At Home Order and Self Quarantine along with Social Distancing are keeping us very responsible in helping to stop the spread of Covid-19. It’s is a huge and challenging change for many. For others it’s how we operate. But let’s face it, we are all going to get a little stir crazy after many weeks looking for things to occupy our time.

If you are thinking of Selling and even if you’re not, this is a great opportunity to Spring Clean, Purge, and Organize. Get your house family to join in. As a Certified Home Stager, I can help you get started with what may seem like a daunting expedition with these simple steps:

1. Select a “Director”

Let’s face it, individuals fall into one of two categories – Lead or Follow. Both very important positions but everything always goes smoothly with a Leader – even if they are just handing out the tasks. The Director will oversee the entire operation, pitching in and helping where needed. This is no time to play dictator. All great leaders get into the “dirt.”

2. Gather Necessary Supplies

You’ll need Trash Bags for throw outs, Plastic Bins for Storage, Bags for Donations. TIP: If you are donating linens, those Pillow Cases are perfect bags to put donations in.

3. Divide up Rooms and Spaces

Kitchen, Dining, Living, Bedrooms, Baths, Garage, Study or Studio. Draw straws for each room or the Director can assign. Make it a competition! Give out prizes! TIP: Members of the household take on their own Bedroom! If you share a bedroom with someone take care of your own stuff. Bribes may be acceptable in certain households 🙂

4. Start with Junk Drawers

They are always done last – and therefore never seem to get done. This is one place you will really feel “The Purge” and you’ll get excited to move on to the other areas.

5. Organize as you Purge

Let’s face it, everything is not going to be trashed, sold or donated. So while you are throwing out almost everything from your junk drawer – rightfully named – you’ll now have room to organize what is left. The same goes for your hair accessory and sock drawer, clothes and linen closets, your office and garage. Thus, the reason for dividing up the rooms and taking one room at a time.

6. Designate a “PILES” area.

This important area is where you will temporarily put “Donate or Sell” stuff as you purge each room. Make PILES but be reasonable here. Do you really want to take the time to CraigsList that 10 year old animal theme rug you paid $100 for? Donate More!! Trash the trash. Didn’t that feel good?  Move the now bagged “Donate or Sell” piles to a clean/dry out of the way area. When we are released from the “Stay Home” Order, your donations are going to be greatly needed by many charities and organizations. Set up your For Sale items online now, but actual meet ups to sell will also have to wait until after the SHO.

Don’t get discouraged. Purging takes time and energy. Try to finish this in less than 21 days or you’ll lose interest. Set a finished date. Give me a call if need help or just want to chat about the process. Once you feel you are done and believe me you will know, take a deep breath and admire your purged and orderly home. You did it!

If after all your hard work you decide it is time to Sell, you will be a Giant Step ahead of other Homeowners who are thinking of Selling. As your Listing Realtor and Certified Home Stager, purging is the first thing on my “To Do List” when preparing a property to Sell. You already did it. I applaud you!

Properties are going on the market every day, even during this time of Covid-19. Once we are over this Pandemic, many more homeowners will think of Selling, but you’ll already be prepared to List your Property!

Stay Safe and Healthy ~ Aloha, Gina

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