Commonly Asked Hawaii Public and Private School System Questions - Moving to Hawaii? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Commonly Asked Hawaii Public and Private School System Questions – Moving to Hawaii?

I had a client recently ask me a few questions regarding the public and private school system in Hawaii and the Oahu housing market. I think this is truly relevant as I find most of my clients are looking for the same answers. Hopefully, you will find my answers helpful as well. Go for it!!

1. Because our children are still young, I would also like to explore the option of public schooling until middle or even high school, then transferring to the private system. Are there areas that are strong in terms of the public schools as well?

My top two areas as far as being close (within a thirty minute drive in traffic) to the major private school systems would be Makiki and Waialae Iki. Makiki is within a 5-10 minute drive to Punahou in traffic, but not as strong as Waialae Iki is as far as elementary school, according to Honolulu Magazine. Waialae Iki goes to Aina Haina Elementary School (Rank 7 according to the chart below) and Makiki is Lincoln Elementary School.

2. What are your honest impressions about the Hawaii market? Do you expect prices to rise by next year and if so, due to what factors?

My honest impression of the market is that this could be the year to buy, barring any unforeseen economic events or natural disasters. Interest rates remain low and have dipped a little, but according the lenders, the U.S. cannot keep purchasing bonds and eventually, rates will have to increase. I do expect prices to increase over the next two years starting end of this year, early next year…but it will be a slow process. The bottom of the market is typically when interest rates are low, not necessarily prices.

There is hardly any inventory right now, we don’t have anywhere to expand. Currently, we have 5-6 months worth of inventory, which is a healthy amount, but there are many listings going over asking, even in this “down market.” Things are moving if they are priced right and in decent, even fixer condition. In some areas, you will find it is a buyer’s market, and other areas, it’s a seller’s.

The market is most likely not going to skyrocket and we still have an economy that hasn’t recovered yet, but we are definitely in a better position than most states, because we have nowhere to expand.

Websites for a few metro Honolulu private schools:

Here is the public school list: 2010 Hawaii State Public School Rankings and check out Grading the Public Schools.

I have included the top elementary schools in Honolulu and where they are located. Think about where you want to send your children for elementary school, with the goal of sending them to private school by intermediate if you can. The entry levels for private school are, typically, Kindergarten, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th Grade, but you can still get them in off the waiting list in high school. It will also be on their websites.

SchoolSort Descending RankSort Descending DistrictSort Descending
Liholiho Elementary – Kaimuki 3 HON
Manoa Elementary – Manoa 4 HON
Noelani Elementary – Manoa 5 HON
Wilson Elementary – Kahala/Kaimuki 6 HON
Aina Haina Elementary – Aina Haina 7 HON
Maemae Elementary – Nuuanu 8 HON
Hokulani Elementary – Kaimuki 9 HON
Koko Head Elementary – Hawaii Kai/Portlock 10 HON
Aliiolani Elementary – Kaimuki 11 HON
Kahala Elementary – Kahala 13 HON
Hahaione Elementary – Hawaii Kai/Hahaione 16 HON
Waikiki Elementary – Waikiki 22 HON
Nuuanu Elementary – Nuuanu 23 HON
Kaimuki Middle – Kaimuki 27 HON
Lanakila Elementary – Liliha/Kalihi 29 HON
Wailupe Valley Elementary – Aina Haina 35 HON
Ala Wai Elementary – Waikiki 38 HON
Royal Elementary – Downtown 40 HON
Kapalama Elementary – Kalihi 46 HON
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David Buck

July 16, 2011

Caron- I noticed Wailupe Valley is still showing on the list. Isn’t that one closed now?

David Buck

July 16, 2011

Caron- I noticed Wailupe Valley is still showing on the list. Isn’t that one closed now?

Caron A Ling, R, CRS

August 1, 2011

It is! This was from 2010. They did close that school down.

Caron A Ling, R, CRS

August 1, 2011

It is! This was from 2010. They did close that school down.

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