Representation Matters... A Lot! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

Representation Matters… A Lot!

Are you looking to sell your home? Are you contemplating purchasing real estate? Who you hire to represent you matters. A lot.

Buyers and Sellers receive a lot of mixed messages about representation and fees. And, there are legitimate concerns. You may be worried about costs, hiring the right professional, and the whole process of selling or purchasing a home. Understandable. Buying and selling real estate is a major endeavor, perhaps the biggest one you’ve ever undertaken. Costs can be high, especially if you make a poor decision. And, there is so much for you to consider – fees, pricing, preparation, process, timing, the market, contracts, inspections, financing, appraisals, escrow, moving, etc., etc., etc.

Seller’s Concerns

If you’re a Seller, you’re likely concerned about the marketing and pricing of your home, not to mention all of the details of going from contract to close. Who will negotiate for you? How do you recognize the highest and best price for your property? And, how do you ensure that your needs are met? And, your interests served?

Buyer’s Dilemma

If you’re a Buyer, how do you find the right property? And, at the right price and terms? Who will help you navigate financing, the document reviews, the inspections, and all of the things that go into buying a home?

The Value of Professional Help

Selling and Buying property is not an easy task. It requires skill, knowledge, finesse, and the coordination of a whole lot of moving parts. It requires help. So, here’s the thing – do you want to go it alone or do you want professional help? And, if you want professional help, what is it worth to you?

Measuring Peace of Mind

I explain to my clients that they can focus on fees or they can focus on their net results and the overall process. How do you measure peace of mind? Trust? Outcomes? Do you want to save money on commissions or do you want to get the highest and best price for your property through solid representation? Is a smooth and timely process important to you? What about your liability and obligations under the contract? Isn’t a trouble-free transaction the end goal?

Success Stories and the Importance of Representation

Recently, I represented a Buyer who was competing with eight other Buyers. That’s right – there were eight other offers on the property. And guess what? We got the winning bid! Why? Without divulging too much, suffice it to say that market knowledge, reputation, communication, and experienced negotiating skill played key roles in securing the property. My client is ecstatic and so am I! I can’t imagine my client trying to go this alone and neither can he. Representation matters. A lot!

The Value of Professionalism

Would you want to entrust any of your major life decisions to anyone other than an expert in their field? You pay for sound legal advice and sound medical and financial advice. Why wouldn’t you pay for sound real estate advice?

When it comes to your real estate investments, you have options. Not all real estate agents are alike, and not all real estate companies are alike. Business models vary, and so do fees. You get to choose. But, when it comes to one of the most expensive transactions of your life, doesn’t it make sense to hire a seasoned professional with proven market knowledge and a track record of success? What’s more important to you, the fee or the service and outcome?

I’ve been representing Buyers and Sellers for years. And, I’ve yet to have anyone come back to me to express regret over fees paid. My clients are incredibly satisfied, and the cost of my service is a non-issue. What matters most to them is solid representation and successful outcomes. They understand that good representation is critical to a successful process, and they are willing to pay for that representation. Period.

Choose Wisely

What about you? The next time you’re in the market, begin with the end in mind and call a qualified professional to help you achieve your goals. Someone who has the skill, knowledge, and know-how to help you navigate one of the most important transactions of your life. You deserve the best representation and the best is always – and I mean always – worth the cost.

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