Prepping Your Home For Sale? Consider These High Rate of Return Tips! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

Prepping Your Home For Sale? Consider These High Rate of Return Tips!

Are you preparing your home for market? Are you wondering what improvements will give you the greatest return on your investment? In general, I do not recommend that you spend a lot of time (and money) upgrading your home prior to market. There is no guarantee that you’ll get your money back, plus time spent on renovations may cause you to lose out on prime marketing time. Time and time again, I’ve seen Sellers waste time and money on upgrading their home only to be disappointed that the market did not respond favorably.

How to Prep Your Home For Sale

So, what is the best investment of your time and money when prepping your home for sale? Here are a few tips that I find work really well and often realize the highest rewards:

Add Fresh Paint

If your home has wallpaper and/or border strips, remove them, prime, and paint. The same goes for unpleasant wall colors. You may love that burnt orange accent wall in your home, but trust me, the buyers won’t. Neutral wall color makes a world of difference in the eyes of buyers. A fresh coat of paint will give your home a brand new look, and a neutral color will appeal to buyers at large.

Remove Old Drapes

Does your house have heavy drapes? Old blinds? Dark shades? No worries — just remove them. There is no need to replace them. Buyers won’t typically notice what is not there. So just get rid of them. Natural lighting is best! Of course, light bulbs help, so make sure to use the maximum rated wattage. Also, be sure that the bulbs match in multiple-light fixtures. Speaking of fixtures, are yours outdated? If so, consider a trip to Home Depot a Lowes for inexpensive replacements.

Update Hardware

How is your cabinet hardware? Sometimes, a simple hardware upgrade, like handles, can give your cabinetry a brand new look. If the cabinets are worn, you can also consider painting. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on upgrading cabinets and hardware — just refresh! It’ll really improve the look of your home, the photos, and the buyer response!

Upgrade Flooring

Lastly, how are your floors? Nothing refreshes a home more than removing old, worn-out carpet or floors. Consider replacing it with luxury vinyl or a medium-grade carpet. This might involve a bit more money and time, but the overall look will make a huge difference in your home’s appeal. Just be sure to keep things neutral. Go with what will appeal to most buyers. Think clean lines and neutral tones.

In summary, fresh paint, new flooring, and a few minor changes and upgrades can result in a huge rate of return for you. You can sell your home at the highest and best price without investing a lot of money and time. You just need to invest in the right things. The things that will reap you the most money in the shortest period of time.

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