Ninini Lighthouse - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Ninini Lighthouse

Ninini Lighthouse

While we are quarantined during COVID-19, it’s helpful to look closely at our surroundings and see where we can find beauty. I realize that’s easy for me to say since I live on Kauai and pretty much everywhere we look on this island, we see something gorgeous. We are still allowed to go on walks for exercise, so my husband and I walked out to the Ninini Lighthouse last night. The lighthouse was built in 1906 and became automated in 1953. The lighthouse marks the entrance to Nawiliwili Bay and is situated directly in front of the luxurious Timbers Hokuala Resort. Timbers offers whole and fractional ownership, and they will be expanding their Laola townhomes across the 15th fairway, which will all have spectacular views of Ninini Lighthouse.

View of Ninini Lighthouse from Timbers

When we were at the lighthouse, everything seemed so dynamic. Two rainbows were forming on either side of us and ended up meeting in the middle to complete a full arch. We saw several whales breaching, but I didn’t get a picture of that so you’ll have to use your imagination for the visual. We are very fortunate to be here at this time where being outside brings so much relief from the daily news


Stay safe, stay home, and please reach out with any Kauai real estate questions you may have.

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