New Year, New Goals... Maybe a Real Estate Goal? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

New Year, New Goals… Maybe a Real Estate Goal?

It’s that time of year again. The gym is crowded (for a few weeks at least) and I’m starting to feel a little guilty from eating way too many sweets than I do and after limiting my alcohol intake from a glass of wine on my birthday, I’ve had enough these past few days to take me through 2025!

If you’re like me, it’s time to usher in some kind of “new.” I’m generally good (meaning I can usually stick with my goals for several months) but I could improve. So… I decided to do a little reading on resolutions and how to keep them. My research informed me that it’s all over the board.  I’ve come to this conclusion:

  • Set realistic goals
  • Tackle one resolution per month

Okay, this blog is done!  LOL  Let me dive a little further.

Personal Goals

Setting realistic goals:

  1. Be specific and realistic – I want to lose 1# per week. I want to take 1 new class at the gym. I want to meet 1 new person per week (I’m an introvert so this is realistic for me :-).  I want to learn how to play an instrument. Well, that one may be a bit random but you get the idea.
  2. Set parameters – How do you intend to lose 1 pound per week? What kind of class at the gym can you take and how long will you allow yourself to succeed? What is the purpose of meeting a new person a week? Social or professional? What kind of instrument best suits your personality and how much time will you devote to learning?
  3. Find someone to hold you accountable – Having your bathroom scale to hold you accountable may not be the best idea, however, a gym mate or partner would. Start a social group and as a goal, make it a point to meet new people. If you’re learning an instrument, your teacher would be a good person to hold you accountable.
  4. Anticipate difficulties – No one is perfect. There are times that you may slip. Don’t beat up on yourself. Pick yourself up and “carry on!”
  5. Take time to reflect on your progress…monthly, biannually or whatever time frame you choose.

With that said, here are a few other suggestions of simple goals:

  • Getting more or better sleep
  • Plant a garden
  • Make a new recipe for dinner
  • Take a continuing education course
  • Eat cleaner
  • No alcohol
  • Exercise more
  • Get up earlier
  • Have less caffeine
  • Start a new physical activity
  • Send a written note or letter
  • Volunteer at a not for profit

It can be simple. The point here is to have your goals manageable. If you are successful with one, then it’ll be easier to tackle a few more.

Real Estate Goals

One goal that I’ve neglected to mention is the real estate goal of purchasing a house, condo, or land. This may be the year for that to happen. If that is the case, there are several things to consider…if you are new to this.

  • Have you had a conversation with a lender about your qualifications or affordability?
  • Are you certain that you’ll be in the same location for a minimum of 3 years?
  • Are you willing to give up a few lifestyle vices to become a homeowner?
  • Maybe saving up for a down payment is your goal?
  • What will my life look like in 3-5 years; marriage, children, school, retirement?
  • Is this the right thing to do at this point in my life?

A smart homeowner has done some homework before jumping into the pond. Then, there is the whole aspect of finding the home that fulfills the most requirements on your list. Just a heads up, I’ve never had a client say that a home has checked off every required item on their wish list…just sayin’!

An entry level condo may be the perfect way to get your feet wet. There are a few here that I would recommend.

In the Wailuku area, Iao Parkside is a low density, 2 story complex. MLS #376180 is listed at $288,000 and offers 2 bedrooms, 2 baths with 830 square feet.

In the Kihei area, Kihei Bay Surf is a small complex, across the street from beaches that are famous for windsurfing.  The complex allows short term vacation rentals. MLS #375773 is listed at $249,000 and is a studio with 1 bath with 445 square feet.

In the Lahaina area, Lahaina Residential is a mid-size, 2 level complex that is on the famous Front Street. MLS #375548 is listed at $287,000 and is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath unit with 538 square feet.

There are options at every price point, from under $200,000 up into the million dollar range.

Please let me know if you have implemented a goal plan for the new year and most definitely keep me posted on your progress. If real estate is part of that goal plan, don’t hesitate to reach out for some information or advice.

Good Luck!

Ken Molina 808.344.6421

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