A Movie Theater in Waikoloa, Say What?! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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A Movie Theater in Waikoloa, Say What?!

Every day my husband and I go for our morning walk. We drive down to the Queens Marketplace and walk a three-mile loop which takes us to the beach. Our loop includes a brief stroll through the shops there. Over a year ago we noticed that there was a sign that read, “Waikoloa Luxury Cinemas Coming Spring of 2017” hanging on the wall of one of the empty spaces there. I did a little research on the property and found that they were planning a bistro and bar with three auditoriums in which one will have a 3D  movie screen. This is a movie cinema concept that I am familiar with from my time living in Maine. Cushy leather seats, food, and drinks while you watch a movie on the big screen. I was beyond thrilled. Well, Spring came and went and nothing. Then the sign changed to “Waikoloa Luxury Cinemas Coming Summer of 2017” and then the sign was gone completely. We were sad in thinking that maybe something had gone wrong and Waikoloa would not have their very own cinema after all. Imagine our surprise today when we saw this sign? Looks like things are moving along and soon, I will be enjoying dinner and a movie right here in Waikoloa with my family.

If you or someone in your family wants to apply at Waikoloa Luxury Cinemas, click here.

Make sure to follow my blog posts for updates on this as well as other happenings in Waikoloa.

You can also join us on our morning walks.  Just follow me on Instagram – @Linda_Hawaiilife #dedicatetoourmorningwalks

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sean wheeler

December 15, 2017

Kukui Grove Cinema on Kaua’i was the worst moviegoing experience of my ENTIRE life. Halfway through I asked for my money back and was declined. I then said I wasn’t leaving until I got my money back and a police officer walked up behind me to escort me out. This place needs to be shut down. I doubt Disney knows that their movies are being shown in this utter trash. The owners of the movie theater worked with Lihue City Council to keep out a megaplex theater from the island just to control the islands viewing experience to line their pockets with nine dollar admission prices knowing with competition they would definitely go out of business. I’ve been to economy Super Saver Cinemas twice if not five times better. This is how bad it was… I’m 44. I saw a new hope opening weekend in 77. I was a Jedi until I was 21 which opened up my eyes to the study of hermetic philosophy to truly balance the force in myself. I’ve seen every star wars movie opening day… I walked out of episode 8. Please help Kaua’i!


December 16, 2017

> Sean,

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience at that theater. This theater is in Waikoloa , Hawaii and it is scheduled to open this month.

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