Maui Meadows Real Estate Booming in 2018 - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Maui Meadows Real Estate Booming in 2018

I like to call Maui Meadows the upcountry of the South Side! The community sits on the mauka (mountain) side of Pi’ilani Hwy. and heads up the mountain to elevations of approximately 600 feet. It’s surrounded by ranch land on the north and east sides and the Wailea 670 on the south side. All parcels are at least 1/2 acre, with the exception of Kaimanu gated community, which is formed by nine, two-acre parcels in Maui Meadows. The average size Maui Meadows lot gives a lot more elbow room than your average lot in South Kihei.

What’s Been Going on with Maui Meadows Real Estate?

So, September is here, and what has been going on in Maui Meadows real estate world? Lots of sales, that’s what has been going on! So far, residential sales YTD in 2018 are ahead of 2017. At the time this blog was written, Maui Meadows has seen 24 closed sales compared to 22 closed sales during the same time frame in 2017. There are 3 properties currently under contract with sale pending and all three properties have an Ohanas dwelling. Once again, the sales properties with Ohanas, or a second dwelling, are ahead of the sales of properties without Ohanas. To me, this is a great representation that there is a strong demand for properties that offer you the option to generate extra income or accommodate extended family. Vacant land sales in 2017 were much stronger than 2018 YTD; there were four closed sales in 2017 compared to 1 closed sale this year during the same time frame. On a side note, I walk my dogs every day in front of the lot that sold this year and the new owners will have incredible views!!

Sunrise from Kupulau Drive

Looking for a Home in Maui Meadows?

If you are currently shopping for a home in Maui Meadows, there are 10 active listings currently for sale — all offering an Ohana dwelling except for one property. Also, all listings are priced below $2,000,000 except for one, making the range of asking prices from $1,300,000 to $2,350,00. As far as vacant land, in case you are looking to build, there are three active listings currently for sale with asking prices ranging from $399,000 to $679,900.

I hope this is helpful information. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to know more about the market information in Maui Meadows. See you on the hills!

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