Maui Fire Relief Effort and Resources - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Maui Fire Relief Effort and Resources

I don’t have the heart to discuss weekend events even assuming there will be any. These wildfires have been ultimately destructive especially in Lahaina. It’s truly heartbreaking. So much history lost. A lot of people are asking what they can do.

I wanted to share some resources if you need help or looking to donate or volunteer. Please be careful giving to fundraisers. Unfortunately, people do take advantage of these situations with fake fundraisers. The following are all places to give where you can ensure it’s coming back to the community.

Hawaii Life Matching First $50K

Proud to share that Hawaii Life Charitable Fund together with the Hawaii Community Foundation is collecting donations to support the tragic losses in Lahaina. Hawaii Life is matching the first $50,000 in donations. I am personally giving to this one so that I can double my impact.

Read more at the Maui Strong blog.

Donate here.

American Red Cross

Red Cross is setting up shelters in Maui.  You can find a shelter by visiting or downloading the Red Cross Emergency app for real-time alerts, open Red Cross shelter locations and expert advice on wildfires. The app includes an “I’m Safe” feature that help people check on loved ones. Search “American Red Cross” in app stores or go to You can also call 1-866-438-4636.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is mass feeding thousands affected by the fires at the Red Cross Shelters. They are looking for large food donations by restaurants, catering companies, etc. The best way to help is making monetary donations.

Donations may be made online at You can also find listings of current volunteer opportunities there.

Maui Food Bank

Maui Food Bank is dedicating its website to the wildfire relief effort. Find information on how you can help.  Donation Requests and distribution centers are listed.


FEMA has not yet authorized use of federal funds for wildfire disaster on Maui as of Wednesday afternoon. You can check and enter the zipcode to see in real time if it has been declared. They will not approve applications even over the phone until disaster is declared.

Once disaster is declared, you can apply online here. You can also call 1-800-621-3362 to apply by phone.

Local Government Agencies

Check in with Local Government Agencies for disaster relief and the latest news.

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency delivers the latest news releases from the office of the governor.

MauiCounty.Gov Alert Center will have all the latest alerts. Road Closure alerts here. Report residential damage from fire here.

Active Community Kept List on Google Docs

Community Members, Central Maui WWW has prepared a google docs spreadsheet with latest coordination efforts. They are updating this regularly. It is a great resource. This also lists all the drop off and distribution centers for supplies and donation.

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sanjay arora

August 10, 2023

Thanks for the helpful info. Gave to HL fund already to also double my impact and will share this blog too. #mauistrong

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 10, 2023

> Thank you, Sanjay! #mauistrong 🙏🏼

Patty Soran

August 10, 2023

Is the humane society taking donations as well?

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 10, 2023

> Aloha Patty- Humane Society is primarily in need of kennels and fosters for the misplaced animals at this time. I’m sure food will be on-going and monetary donations are always welcome. Thank you for your kokua!


August 10, 2023

We are heartsick. Maui has been my home in my heart since the early 1960s. We will do what we can to help.

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 10, 2023

> Appreciate you, Mark! 🙏🏼

Randy Willard

August 10, 2023

Army Veteran. My family stayed in Lahaina. We planned to return. We ate lunch at the hotel restaurant where Frank and Ava stayed when filming “The Devil at Four ‘O’ Clock. Godspeed and God bless all who have suffered and to those who are fighting and serving those in need.

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 10, 2023

> thank you for your service and your prayers, Randy. 🙏🏼

Tracy S Stice

August 11, 2023

JB Thanks for posting this blog. It helps direct people to where they can really help. I am certain that the scammers are already at work so having some clear direction on donations is very important. I have opened my home, cottage, and storage area to people who need housing. They may not be perfect, but it is a lot better than sleeping on the floor of the Maui High gym. We have many 2nd and 3rd homes that are sitting vacant right now. It would be awesome to see our part-time residents open up their homes for these families that have lost everything.

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 15, 2023

> Thank you so much, Tracy. I am with you in hoping our part time residents join the local collective in a united stance! Thank you for your Aloha.

Jim Quinn

August 12, 2023

I have a question. My wife and I have been traveling from mainland to Hawaii many times over the last 50 years to visit family and friends on Oahu & Big Island. We have another trip planned in early October to Napili.I would feel guilty showing up with my towel and sunscreen while the local community is struggling. Yet the Area depends on tourism to support community. I do not want to arrive and receive the stink eye.
Being respectful of the local community please help me in making decision.

Frances Coya

August 13, 2023

I donated to the Maui Humane Society as there are many animals that need help and a lot of attention is going to help people but we sometimes we forget that there are many pets and other animals that need help too.

John B Guard IV, R(B)

August 15, 2023

> Thank you so much, Frances. Great point! I am providing an updated and expanded list in my upcoming blog that includes the Maui Humane Society. We love our furry family members very much and the MHS has been very important in this disaster relief! Thank you for your contribution.

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