March 2020 - Living Intentionally Then and Now - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

March 2020 – Living Intentionally Then and Now

Do you remember what you were doing four years ago? For those of us who live in Hawaii, it’s hard to forget that we were one of the first states to declare a state of emergency after the first case of COVID-19 arrived on March 6, 2020. Before the month was out, the governor suspended travel and instituted stay-at-home orders. Life as we knew it would never be the same.

Adapting Real Estate Practices

As real estate professionals, we had to learn new ways of conducting business. Zoom meetings, virtual showings, site unseen purchases, digital signatures, and doing just about everything remotely became the new normal. Hand sanitizer, masks, wipes, and thermometers became new tools of the trade. Pandemic-driven low interest rates caused a huge rush on real estate that not only caused a huge spike in Hawaii property values, but a huge spike in our adrenaline! Things moved at warp speed and we had to adjust and adapt. A lot.

Coping With Uncertainty

It was an unsettling time, to say the least. Our sense of normal was stripped away and we were uncertain about our future. We had to ask ourselves, “What do we do when our routines are anything but routine?” That question led to some good answers, starting with the corporate decision to be intentional and proactive. We learned to honor each day with our actions and attitudes and to use our time well, even if we were holed up at home. It was all about focusing on what was important — our health, our families, our clients, and our communities – and making sure we were prioritizing what really matters. It’s amazing how quickly your perspective and priorities come into focus when you are faced with a crisis.

Lessons Learned and Mindful Living

The pandemic derailed us and it cost us. Dearly. Far too many lives were lost. And, countless people suffered from anxiety, fear, isolation and depression. As a result, we experienced firsthand how critical it is to be intentional about our mindset, our health and our habits. The importance of being mindful and selective about where we placed our focus and attention was not lost on us. Collectively as a company, we were purposeful about helping our clients and our community by filling our minds with positive and affirming things. We knew that our health and the well-being of those around us during such a crazy time were dependent upon us being intentional — intentional about implementing good habits and maintaining proper focus so that we could serve those around us well.

Moving Forward With Intention

A lot has happened since 2020. Things have changed. We’ve changed. But, living intentionally has not — it remains a choice. A choice you make every day. When you pay attention to what you allow into your mind, focus on what truly matters to you, and develop and maintain good habits, you will experience better outcomes and you will be healthier and happier. Not just during a crisis, but every day.

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