Making the Most of Our Time During the Pandemic - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Making the Most of Our Time During the Pandemic

We live close to the Ninini Lighthouse and consequently walk or ride bikes out there quite often. Since we all know that we feel better if we’re able to contribute and bring about a positive outcome while doing so, my husband and I decided to spend a morning and clean up the trash at the lighthouse. Lucky for us, we recently purchased a Toyota Tacoma, and it’s the perfect vehicle for the job. Plus it makes us feel like we’re true islanders now because, as we know, everybody on Kauai has a pick-up truck.

To help you understand how unaware I was of just how much trash there is out there, I grabbed several kitchen size trash bags, some gloves, tongs, and a mask of course. My husband threw in the heavy-duty black yard bags for safe measure. We each started in separate corners picking up fast food boxes, paper plates, napkins, broken beer bottles, plastic water bottles, cigarette butts, toilet paper (ewww), and anything else you can imagine. Maybe the oddest things we found were the large magnifying mirror for a bathroom vanity and a car door.

As you can see from the pictures, we filled the truck to overflowing and headed to the dump. We are very fortunate here, on Kauai, that the dump allows us to drop off rubbish without a charge, that’s not true in most places. Anyway we were glad to do this, and it was very rewarding to do our part in helping to keep our garden island gorgeous.

Random Trash

Headed to the dump

If you would like to purchase your own slice of this magical island please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or thoughts you may have about when and where you could start your search.


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Linda Hussey

April 30, 2020

Mahalo for the great blog and even more so for your cleaning up our ‘aina !

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