Making The Decision (Part 1) | Moving To Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Moving To Hawaii

Making The Decision (Part 1) | Moving To Hawaii

I have decided to put together a 15 part blog series that will publish in succession for a little over two weeks. Hopefully this content is incredibly useful and makes you think about such an exciting and, at times, stressful move. For the purposes of this blog series I will be focusing on relocating to the Big Island of Hawaii, but if there is another island that interests you, please feel free to let me know and I would be happy to connect you with one of my colleagues that would be happy to help.

Why Move To Hawaii?

My wife and I have always talked about things that we would like to do in our lifetime. Trips to faraway places, buying an airplane, learning another language(s), but one thing that always came up was living in Hawaii. We were captivated by this place when we first visited years ago and seemingly came back to visit yearly or twice a year to get our fix. The scenery, way of life, people, and the vibe that just isn’t replicated anywhere stuck with us. But when we spoke of it, the idea of moving to Hawaii was always “something we would do when we retire.” Being in our 30s, it just seemed like that was something that simply wasn’t feasible at this point in our lives. Many of you are probably reading this thinking exactly that. This just isn’t realistic, and it might nice to do one day, but right now we have to pay our dues and get through “regular life.”

Well my wife works in hospitality and decided to apply for a position at Four Seasons Hualalai. Lo and behold, her interviews went well and before she knew it, she was offered the position. I was working remotely in a sales position within aerospace, and now everything seemed real. It was decision time. I would love to tell you that it was like something you would see in a movie where she instantly accepted the position, and we all lived happily ever after. It simply wasn’t that easy and shouldn’t be that easy. We had a three-year-old and a two-month-old baby. There was no guarantee that I could keep my job, just a promise to “see where it goes.” We had a house, cars, a dog, extended family, and friends throughout the area, and knew it would take a sizable amount of money beyond what the relocation would offer.

Create A Pros & Cons List

Ultimately, we decided to pull the trigger and move to paradise, but the decision needs to be a rational one. I would encourage you to create a list of pros and cons and create a contingency plan in the event that it doesn’t work out. Whether that is stockpiling some money that can help you move back or simply a strategy on how to exit if needed.

Ready To Move?

When we made our decision, we were all in and quickly made a spreadsheet of everything that would need to be done in the next 30 days. Please check back tomorrow for Part 2 of this series, which will focus on choosing and arranging movers.

Moving To Hawaii Blogs

Making The Decision (Part 1)
Choosing A Moving Company (Part 2)
Tips For Shipping Your Car To Hawaii (Part 3)
Bringing Your Pet To Hawaii (Part 4)
Rent Or Buy On The Big Island (Part 5)
Moving With Kids (Part 6)

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Kay Sievers

January 17, 2020

We are retired and would like similar information about Kauai. THANKS

Christopher Moody

January 17, 2020

Aloha Kay! I will have one of my colleagues in Kauai reach out to you directly.

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