Living Space or Lifestyle Space? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Living Space or Lifestyle Space?

Do you want living space or lifestyle space? What’s the difference? Your living space is comprised of your home’s square footage. Your lifestyle space is the space in your budget and time. How much margin do you have to truly enjoy an active and fun lifestyle? Is there room in your budget to travel, entertain, and to enjoy the simple pleasures in life? If not, perhaps it’s time you consider lifestyle space over living space.

Time to Downsize?

If you prefer low maintenance, easy care, and flexibility in your home, you are like a lot of people, especially those in their later years. People, especially seniors, are now trading their large homes for smaller spaces. Why? Because they want simple living. Easy care. And, less demand on their time. They want lifestyle space and the freedom and breathing room that comes with it.

Many seniors I have represented over the years have traded their big houses for smaller homes or condos. And, they have never looked back. They are now enjoying doing the things they love with the people they love. Was it initially difficult? Yes. Downsizing isn’t easy. There are lots of decisions to be made, and there are things that you have to give up, but there are also things you gain. Things that really matter, like more time, less stress, more freedom.

Changing Priorities

As we age, our priorities change. We value our time and relationships more than ever. Yes, living space is great if you can afford it and if you have the time to care for it, but if you find yourself spending all your time maintaining a large home with no room in your schedule or your budget, is it really worth it? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, trends seem to point to more and more people looking for smaller homes. Homes that are less expensive and easier to maintain. Small spaces conveniently located to transportation, shops, entertainment, and cultural activities. Apparently, a lot of people are saying “yes” to less.

If you are seriously seeking more margin, freedom, and flexibility in your life, you may want to make a change. You may want to consider transitioning from living space to lifestyle space. In the process, you might just discover that less truly is more.

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