Large Kula Acreage Offers Multiple Possibilities for Maui Real Estate Buyers - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Large Kula Acreage Offers Multiple Possibilities for Maui Real Estate Buyers

633 acres on Maui is a lot of property…to own, to sell, to buy, to show,  to farm…It is a lot of property. Period. The property I am discussing in detail is (MLS# 351887) in Kula Hawaii, Maui Land and Pineapple Company’s Kalialinui Estate.

This land has the immediate benefit of being 3 separate recognized lots by the County of Maui. In essence, this equates to purchasing one parcel with the future additional lot lines. I have the actual application document with the County approvals as part of our Due Diligence. If this interests you, we will furnish this for you.

Property Possibilities

Other possibilities for the property help to reduce the size of the acreage if that is seen as a positive – How??

1. First, we have interested parties for a smaller portion of the property as mentioned above with the Separate Lot Determinations. One could sell off one of the smaller portions and retain the development rights with the larger remaining acreage if a subdivision in the future was necessary. Let’s say 33 acres to keep the math simple.

2. Second, the property is adjacent to a few other major landowners, including Haleakala Ranch, Alexander and Baldwin’s Hawaiian Cane and Sugar (HC & S) and Kamehameha Schools (KSBE). One of these or another of the many adjoining owners may be interested in absorbing acreage on to their existing lots. This is done through a Lot Line Adjustment or Consolidation and Resubdivision. This would allow for a substantial reduction in acreage.

**The above photo shows the view over the Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus. The property just below the Campus to the left could make a great PV site.

3. Third, the property has been identified by numerous parties for a PhotoVoltaic Farm. The land to the Northern boundary nearer the 1,100′ elevation would be a great location that would not impact views from above or from the neighboring Pukalani residences. 

An agreement could be reached with one of the major PV farm investors to lease a portion of the property, or possibly purchase a separate lot of the property on the Northern boundary. Let’s say this could absorb 50 acres for PV and a sustainability/farm project for the Campus. This would combine items 2 and 3.

The Haliimaile Pineapple Company is actively farming on a majority of the lower 300 acres with Maui Gold Pineapple. This area is being maintained, farmed, and secure. This acreage will hopefully be maintained in agriculture for many decades to come.


4. This would leave a Buyer with the prime upper 150+ acres (initial 633 – 33 acres – 50 acres – 300 farm acres) to create their own private estate. The views are phenomenal from most anywhere on the property. This property is situated at the 2,200′ elevation at the gateway to Kula.

One’s imagination is the limit for this manageable acreage. Polo field, rodeo arena, orchards, vineyards, retreat center, yoga, personal mountain bike course, farmer’s market, stables, crop production, estate with one’s own architect to create on a blank canvas.

Still Too Much Land??

If this is still too much, the County does allow for agricultural lands to be subdivided for sale. This may allow for further reduction in acreage to a minimum of 2 acre parcels, similar to the coveted lots of nearby Kula 200 or Kula Glen.

The property could be set up for future planning as Maui grows. There may always be a need for smaller lots in Upcountry Maui. For many people, 2 acres or more is out of reach. One may be able to gain the support of people to allow for smaller lots to be created on this property for a small community to have adequate land for a home and hopefully space to each have a small plot for gardening, etc.

In summary, after hours of site visits and brainstorming on this property, I wanted to pass on what we need in a potential Buyer. If one is intrigued by the possibilities or future potential, please contact me. This property is ready to go under contract. Now that Piiholo South, Lana’i, and other large parcels are gone, this should be next.

With a Value Score of 100, the property is being offered for only $15,000 per acre. This is a bargain compared to active listings and recently sold listings. For more information or comments, see below or contact me privately for a confidential showing or meeting. There are other ideas that I cannot give out publicly too.

Thank you for your time with this matter.

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John B Guard IV, R(B)

July 24, 2012

Hope this helps the people interested in the property. There are many ideas out there.

John B Guard IV, R(B)

July 24, 2012

Hope this helps the people interested in the property. There are many ideas out there.

Tom burke

September 19, 2014

This looks and sounds amazing I would have to get investors? Or do you have? What kind of income comes in from the pineapple farm? Is there any govt programs or something else to help fund knowing the rental income from the pineapple fields? This would be amazing what a dream I would need gods help. Would be fantastic,
Let me know your other ideas as well and if I could sell off part to pay for the whole and money left over to build and farm? Thank you

Tom burke

September 19, 2014

This looks and sounds amazing I would have to get investors? Or do you have? What kind of income comes in from the pineapple farm? Is there any govt programs or something else to help fund knowing the rental income from the pineapple fields? This would be amazing what a dream I would need gods help. Would be fantastic,
Let me know your other ideas as well and if I could sell off part to pay for the whole and money left over to build and farm? Thank you

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