What's Causing Oahu's North Shore Traffic Problem in Laniakea? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

What’s Causing Oahu’s North Shore Traffic Problem in Laniakea?

Over the last 5 years traffic has come to a halt on the North Shore of Oahu. Who’s to blame?? If you ask a local resident, they may say Hollywood is to blame…The movie Blue Crush was the beginning, or MTV’s Boarding House, or Saving Sarah Marshall, or the one where Owen Wilson lives on the North Shore and rips off houses. Or maybe it’s Surfline’s fault for all the web cams, or the Internet’s fault for real time surf reports. Maybe you could blame Capitol One for the barbarian commercial in Waialua?

The vacation rentals don’t help. Maybe it’s the surf industries fault for buying multiple oceanfront houses and letting their spoiled team riders post up all winter for free. I know, let’s blame social media! All those hot 20-something girls that discover the North Shore one winter and tell all 3,456 of their friends how many hot dudes are on the beach through Facebook. I know, maybe when Lindsey Lohan was here partying this winter she tweeted to all her followers how raging the parties were? Oh yeah, and I almost forgot, we could all blame the turtles!

Anyways, it’s too late to blame anyone or anything. I will let all of you in on a little secret, you have about ten more years for the city and county of Honolulu to really do anything about the traffic (it took them 10 years to actually have their first meeting about the issue). If you were smart, you would beg, borrow, earn, or do whatever you had to do to purchase any property adjacent to Kam Hwy., sit back, and wait for the government to enforce eminent domain for another bypass road and reap the benefits, and every time you were stuck in North Shore traffic you would see dollar signs.

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