
Kuilima East in 10,000 Steps

Are you looking for a place to unwind and relax? Do you enjoy walking? One of my favorite places on Oahu is Kuilima East, located on the grounds of the Turtle Bay Resort on the world-renowned North Shore of Oahu. It’s a great community where you will be treated to a wide variety of activities and experiences, but in my book, walking is the best way to enjoy this special place.

What will you see in Kuilima in just 10,000 steps? Well, it depends. There are 12 miles of trails for you to venture off on and explore. Five miles of those trails are along the breathtaking coast. Many will take you through lush greenery. All are easy and all are breathtaking. And, you don’t have to walk far or long to take in the surrounding beauty.

On my walk this morning, I was awestruck by the sunrise and reminded that there is no night that the sun cannot break through. The morning rays filled my heart with hope and gratitude and served as a reminder that light always overcomes darkness.

sunset at kulima east on oahu

If sunrises and morning walks inspire you, you’ll love the solitude of a stroll along the shores of Kawela Bay.  The waters were very restful this morning and I needed restful.   The hushing of human voices and the tranquility and stillness of the Bay brought tranquility and stillness to my soul.

walk to the beach

Do you like to fish? I love to fish because it gives you time to ponder. There is something very contemplative about fishing and seeing the poles lined up along the shore this morning with the lines cast in the water spoke to me. Fishing teaches patience, which is something I am still learning. It’s also a reminder that what we see on the surface is only part of the story. There is always more going on beneath. Things we can’t possibly know and things that should cause us to extend more patience and grace to each other.

fishing in the ocean on oahu

A special sight this morning was seeing a mare nurse her foal. I was reminded of the strength of the mother/child bond, the need to protect and nurture our young, and also the promise and beauty of new life. Do you know that a mare is pregnant for almost a year?  Sometimes you just have to carry things a while before you receive the reward.

mare with baby horse

You’ll see so many things when you take a walk around Kuilima, including an array of beautiful flowers and plants. Walking around Kuilima is a full-bodied, sensory experience and the tropical flora add to the overall sensation. You’ll find many varieties while you walk, including plumeria, red ginger, hibiscus and an array of  tropical flowers and plants. There is something about the beauty of a flower standing in silence that reminds you that there is beauty in being still. Growth is happening even when you don’t see it.

brightly colored plumeria flowers

tropical red flowers

hibiscus flower

I love Kuilima East and it truly is amazing that you can see so much in 10,000 steps or less! It’s a beautiful place to be. A place to ponder, rest, and renew. A place to call home, if only for a weekend.

kulima east condo

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