Week 1 of Quarantine: This is fantastic. We are going to have so much time to spend together as a family. I can’t wait to finally start our home renovations and crafts we’ve been wanting to do for years. I better make a list of everything we want to accomplish so we don’t lose track.
Week 3: What a great few weeks! Can’t wait to do it all over again this week. I love my family. Time to bust out the yoga mat.
Week 5: Sunburnt, the laundry is overflowing, and I need to go to Costco…bad!
Week 7: Everyone needs to be quiet. Mommy has a month’s worth of emails to do in 8 hours and update her website.
Week 9: Why haven’t I received my stimulus check yet?
Week 11: My daughter is finally starting to sleep in past 7:30am. Looks like I can squeeze in a few hours of work if I get up at 5:00am. I’ll work from the porch that way I get some fresh air with my coffee.
Week 13: Quarantine is extended for another month????!!!!! Quiet time please, I need to call and update my clients.
Week 15: Alright, the beaches, parks, and restaurants are closed. Looks like we are actually staying indoors this month. Everyone get your iPads and homework folders out.
Week 17: Dad is no longer considered an essential worker. Yippee. I don’t want to hear the word “mommy” unless you are bleeding or want to tell me that you’ve finished your chores. Thank you!
Week 19: Wow, the Leininger Group has closed more transactions during this pandemic than we did in the first quarter of 2019. We are rock stars! Open the wine
Week 21: It’s July?! Darn, I just wrote April on this check. When did May and June happen?
Week 23: Public school starts in a little over 6 weeks. I can totally do this!
Week 25: I can’t do this…
Week 27: Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel. The Leininger Group closed over $4M in sales in the last 5 months. I can finally take a day off! Let’s go camping!
Week 29: Well-deserved break in Kokee State Park where time is irrelevant. The air is cool and crisp and the best for last… no cell service. My soul needed that.
Week 31: Almost sold all 9 of our current listings! Interest rates are still at an all-time low!!!! We can do this.
Beth Robinson
August 13, 2020
Love this! Please continue to blog . And congratulations on keeping your businesses thriving in this brave new reality!
August 14, 2020
Haha! enjoyed this very much … can totally relate
November 9, 2020
Aloha, I live on the North Shore of Kauai, and I’ve been looking for a private cabin up in Kokee to rent for the weekend. I was wondering If you guys offer rental services? Just thought I’d ask.
Thank you so much