Is The Market Slowing? More Importantly, Are You? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Market Trends

Is The Market Slowing? More Importantly, Are You?

Is the real estate market slowing? So far on Oahu, we aren’t really seeing a significant slow down. The numbers really haven’t changed. The list price to sold ratio is still over 100% — roughly 102% on average. Months remaining inventory is still less than two months. With interest rates increasing, affordability is definitely impacted and we are seeing a shift into more condos, but things are still brisk.

Slowing Down

People ask us all the time about the speed of the market, but what about the speed of life? It’s been frenzied these last few years, to say the least. So, perhaps more than ever, it’s time to ask ourselves if we are slowing.

What is slowing? According to author, John Mark Comer, slowing is noticing and appreciating the good around us.  Slowing down our pace of life allows time for all of the good and important things. Slowing is to simplify our lives around what simply matters.   

Are you distracted? Rushed and preoccupied? If so, perhaps you need some slowing in your own life. If you feel like you are skimming your life instead of actually living it, perhaps it’s time to slow down. Way down.

So, how do you slow your life?

Start by aligning your schedule with your priorities. We all have things that are important to us. Make sure those things are in your schedule. Decide what matters most to you and schedule that. And, don’t forget to schedule things like play, exercise, and sleep. Allow for margin in your life and keep working on your schedule until your values align with it.

The reality is that most of us have more than enough time to work with, even when we are in a busy season. We just have to learn to reallocate our time well. We just have to learn to create space for what fills our souls.

Are you ready for a little more silence and solitude in your life?

How about simplicity? Quiet? In our hurried up, fast-paced, social media frenzied world, it’s easy to lose sight of what is truly important. It’s easy to spend too much time surfing the internet and doing those things that really don’t matter. Things that don’t bring you joy. Things that have no lasting value.

So, slow down. Learn to un-hurry. Stop and unplug. Rest. And, most importantly, inhabit the moment. Just be.

When you take time to slow down, life begins to flow more seamlessly, more gently. And that is a good thing. A very good thing.

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