Kauai Homes and Land - An Investment More Valuable Than Gold - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Kauai Homes and Land – An Investment More Valuable Than Gold

There has been a plethora of discussions lately, both in the media and on investor’s minds… “Where is the safest place to invest my money now?

For those of us who have lived in Hawaii for more than a decade, owning a home and land here is much more valuable than gold. For those who live where I am, we believe that the north shore of Kauai truly is the “Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow.”

(“More precious than gold”—Kauai sunset photo by Mahana Dunn)

As I continue to watch the money markets go up and down, and the price of gold soar and then fall again, I am reminded how fickle our economy is. For years, people have said that gold is the safest place to invest, yet as I have said all my life, “You can’t eat gold!” As the price of gold falls again in today’s market…it is simply another beautiful day here in paradise.

Kauai is the ideal place to live year-round, where there is an abundance of clean, fresh air, fresh island fruits and vegetables, and lots of healthy mana (“life force” in Hawaiian). The lack of stress here is palatable, especially compared to the mainland.  

The clean and clear eyes of the young children who were born here says it all. Everything flourishes here on Kauai in great abundance and it truly is very difficult to have a bad day. No matter how hard you work, or the amount of responsibilities you have, you have many moments throughout your day to simply take a moment and a deep breath, and feel how good it is to live here and how healthy Kauai is for the mind, body, and spirit.

If you are fortunate enough to own land here, you can be as healthy as you want by planting your own garden, having animals like horses, dogs, or goats, and living a life where each day you are putting your energy into your future of health and happiness. And if you have children, you will watch how happy they are playing, growing, and learning in such a nurturing atmosphere.

If you and your family are interested in living the “Golden Life” on Kauai, please contact me today for more details on island life, real estate, and the sunset report!

Mahana Dunn, (RA)
(808) 280-3327

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