New Island Architectural Designs - Indoor-Outdoor Living on the Big Island of Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

New Island Architectural Designs – Indoor-Outdoor Living on the Big Island of Hawaii

One of my favorite places to show property is in Kukio Private Residences and Four Seasons Hualalai Resort on the “Gold Coast” of the Big Island. The lifestyles are so logical and simple, I can’t help but want this type of lifestyle for all of Hawaii, for those who love having the cool tropical breezes wafting through their homes…this is healthy living at its finest. In researching the desirable markets and floor plan designs for Hawaii, indoor-outdoor living is a growing choice in the islands.

This property is located at 72-125 Kaimupulehu Place (MLS# 239657) at Hualalai Resort Four Seasons

The New Island Architectural Designs Incorporate

  • Good use of natural light
  • A universal design for all ages to enjoy
  • Indoor-outdoor living with energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Intuitive design to make the best use of the “chi” or natural energy (Feng Shui)
  • A floor plan that directs positive energy to the home and its residents
  • Strategical placement to take advantage of optimum location/placement on the lot

The universal design of homes incorporates the thoughtfulness and careful planning for those who plan to “Age in Place” or stay in their home through retirement. Universal designs include making homes with accessible hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. and takes great care in thinking of the process of aging by making counter tops adjustable, putting handrails in more places than just the bathrooms, and making seamless floors for wheelchair and stroller ease.

If you would like more information on indoor-outdoor living in Hawaii, I would be happy to assist you! I work with many conscious contractors, and offer a huge resource of quality vendors and home care providers who can help you at every step of the development, building, construction, move-in, and life-changing processes.

Blessings Always~

Claire K. Bajo, RS
Senior Real Estate Specialist

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