I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...or is Blue Better? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas…or is Blue Better?

Pictured above: crisp white walls at 29 – 2257 Old Mamalahoa Hwy.

Time was, selling a home meant that everything got a fresh coat of white paint! These days, the concept of “staging” has caused us to re-think the “white sells best” concept. A couple of years ago, I read an interesting article in the Old Republic Title News Digest. The article took an interesting look at colors and the messages they convey.

Jamie Jackson, then an interior designer with Pacific Home in Honolulu, explained the psychology of color. Basically, each color palette paints a picture of a different lifestyle.


For instance, it’s no accident that white conveys cleanliness. It’s the symbol of peace (dove), purity (bride), and elegance. Jamie says white, especially in Hawai`i, can be used as a “blank canvas” upon which an owner can build.


Contrary to popular belief, blue is a calming color not a depressing one. Jamie says that blue can be a reflection of the ocean. It’s great with contrasting colors and neutrals such as reds or rich dark browns. In my personal experience, blue is a color that evokes strong emotion; people love it or hate it.


Green obviously is a color that paints our island landscape. It can be a spring color symbolizing “renewal and growth” or it can be a calming color. Lanai areas are typically green focused areas. Be careful with “Paniolo Green” houses, however. I’ve found that only homes built in the original style can get away with such strong exterior paint.


Lemon yellow “represents harmony and optimism.” Jamie suggests that painting only one wall a “golden yellow will make a room appear larger.” Although citrus yellows may reflect the sunlight, I don’t find many amateurs using it successfully in their staging efforts. Like yellows, “dessert” colors such as tangerine, are considered joyful colors. Because they tend toward the warm range, I have seen them used quite successfully. I recently visited a home with purple bedroom walls. Children love the idea but unfortunately, children aren’t normally the ones selecting the home.

Purple or Pink

Jamie says that purples and pinks represent the “feminine side” but in Hawaii, they are also reflections of our tropical flowers. Apparently, a little goes a long way. Jamie suggests using them as accent colors.

Warm and Cool

During a past REALTOR® caravan, one home that evoked a very positive response was painted a combination of warm colors with white as an anchor. The use of color definitely turned an otherwise basic home into a showpiece. Giving up all white can be scary I’ll admit but there’s no need to “go where no man has gone before” in order to achieve great results.

It’s fairly simple to find homes online that have used color to the fullest advantage. Your agent can likely recommend good home stagers, decorators, and designers. Whatever color palette you choose, here’s hoping it all turns out merry and bright! Merry Christmas everybody!

Jamie and her partners can be found at www.pacific-home.com.

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