Hurricane Season in Hawaii - June 1 to Nov 30 - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hurricane Season in Hawaii – June 1 to Nov 30

As I sit down with my friends and neighbors to discuss dodging our most current hurricane, Calvin, memories of past hurricanes flood my mind. Growing up on the windward side of Oahu, I vividly remember the impact of Hurricane Iwa during my high school years. While my dad and sister were excitedly braving the storm on our dock on Kaneohe Bay, I sought refuge under my bed, clutching onto family memorabilia for comfort. Thankfully, our immediate area was spared from severe damage, partly due to the protective reef system in the bay, which helped weaken the wind’s force. It was later revealed that this location, along with others surrounding Kaneohe Bay, is considered a place of refuge during extreme winds – a blessing that left our family unharmed amidst the uncertainty.

Recalling Hurricane Iniki’s devastation on Kauai, I saw firsthand the resilience of the communities as they rebuilt newer and stronger structures from the ruins. It was heartwarming to witness a beautiful new town emerge, even amid the unfortunate circumstances that affected so many lives. Now, at 52 years old, I’ve experienced two hurricanes and received countless warnings over the years.


Hawaii Hurricane Statistics

This raises an important question: What are the actual statistics of Hawaii being hit by a hurricane? Considering the island’s location in the Pacific, the chances of direct impacts are relatively low. Hawaii’s unique geographical features contribute significantly to its protection from frequent hurricanes, as shared in a report by the University of Hawaii – School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST).

According to the report, the first notable feature is the vast expanse of warm waters in the Pacific Ocean surrounding Hawaii. As hurricanes require warm ocean waters to gain strength and intensity, the comparatively cooler waters surrounding the islands act as a natural deterrent for these storms.

Secondly, the presence of high mountain ranges on most Islands of the Hawaiian chain plays a crucial role in shielding the islands from the full force of hurricanes. These mountains create a barrier that weakens the winds as they move across the islands, providing some level of protection.

Furthermore, Hawaii’s location in the central Pacific also makes it less susceptible to direct hits by major hurricanes, as many of these storms tend to veer away from the region due to prevailing atmospheric conditions.

oahu coast

Stay Informed About Hawaii Hurricanes

While the statistics may indicate a lower likelihood of hurricanes, I have discovered some great apps to support being prepared in understanding how to navigate a state hurricane watch. These apps can provide valuable information and help to stay informed during the warnings. Some recommended apps I suggest for the best information and observe wind patterns include:

  • National Weather Service (NWS) Mobile App: The NWS app provides up-to-date weather forecasts, alerts, and warnings, ensuring you stay informed about any hurricane-related developments.
  • Hurricane Tracker App: This app offers real-time updates, storm tracking, and interactive maps, providing comprehensive hurricane monitoring capabilities.
  • (my favorite): With its detailed wind animations and forecasts, is an excellent resource for observing wind patterns during hurricane watches.

By being aware of Hawaii’s unique geographical features and staying informed through reliable apps, we can be better prepared and ensure the safety of ourselves and our communities during the hurricane season. It’s good to know that the statistics share a low percentage of our getting hit by a hurricane due to the natural protection provided by our islands. However, it’s essential to remain vigilant and ready for any potential challenges nature may present.

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