
Hawaii Homeowner Tip: Be Prepared Before a Storm Hits the Islands

From June through November Hawaii has potential hurricanes we need to watch out for. A few weeks ago, the remnants of Hurricane Flossie came through Maui.

How Badly Damaged was Maui from Hurricane Flossie?

My wife and I were on the mainland and concerned about our island of Maui. My kids were home and had most things under control. However, Maui did get its share of rain and wind from the storm. We did need the rain, but could have done without the destructive power of all that wind.

There was a fantastic thunder and lightning show that Maui residents seldom get to see from this storm. Most people lost power for hours. We happened to have a small generator that was used to power the refrigerator during those hours.

Tip: Buy a Generator Before a Storm Arrives in Hawaii

Maui has been very blessed over the years to miss most of the bigger storms – but we must always be prepared. When a big storm is coming close to our islands the gas stations and stores run out of everything very quickly. It is much better to be prepared beforehand.

I am including a great article from the National Association of Realtors on generators. Because we are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, we need to think about these things. Costco sells a line of generators that will kick on automatically if your home goes dark and supply enough electricity for most of your needs.

My family and I have always tried to be prepared in case we are without supplies and power for a number of days. It isn’t pleasant to think about these things on such a beautiful day, but you must take care of your loved ones and plan for this if you own a home here in Hawaii.

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