Are Home Inspections Worth the Money? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Buying Advice

Are Home Inspections Worth the Money?

The home inspection process is designed to help the prospective buyer detect any issues that may be present in the major components and systems of the home. While it is easy to see the visible signs of a problem, there is the potential for larger problems to be present without obvious signs. Incurring the cost of a home inspection can ultimately save you time and money, and help give you some peace of mind.

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A qualified home inspector can assess the home for current or potential trouble spots that can be identified prior to your signing on the dotted line. In fact, a Purchase Contract can be written to include a contingency based on the findings of a home inspection.

A thorough home inspection can take several hours to complete and should include examination of the exterior, foundation, grading, garage/carport, roof, plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, water heater, kitchen appliances, laundry room, bathrooms, and stairs. Once the inspection is complete, a report will be issued that will address any shortcomings found during the examination. The report will quantify those items that are minor defects, major defects, or safety issues and whether or not they should be replaced, repaired, or monitored. If possible, a buyer should be present during the home inspection to see the areas of concern first-hand.

Carefully consider the items that are easily fixed and be willing to overlook those for some of the larger, more costly items. Neither party to the transaction wants a minor problem to be a deal breaker. However, if the inspection reveals major defects, the buyer does have the option to walk away if the Purchase Contract was contingent on the results of the home inspection.

Spending a few hundred dollars on a home inspection, along with the other expenses that come with buying a home, may seem like adding insult to injury, but it may be the difference between a money pit and home sweet home.

More Information

Looking for a home on Oahu, or a reputable home inspector? Contact me, I’m happy to help.

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