Holiday Pet Safety Tips - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Now that the holiday season is upon us, I want to share a few tips on how to keep our fur babies safe and happy during the holiday season!

The holiday is such a wonderful yet busy time for us all, and with all the hustle and bustle of getting the food ready, traveling, or preparing your house for guests to arrive, we may not pay as close attention to our pets as we normally would. So here are a few things to watch out for to make sure that your pets have a good holiday and stay away from the vet during this holiday season.

1. Keep People’s Food Out Of Reach Of Your Pets

A lot of holiday foods contains ingredients that may be harmful for your pets. So you need to make sure that all those delicious dishes are out of the reach from your pets. Also remind your guests not to sneak in a lot of food under the table.

2. Don’t Give Greasy Bones To Your Pets

Remember to resist giving greasy bones to your pets. Some bones can cause issues, shatter teeth, cut their mouth, or become obstructive in their intestines. And that is one pricey vet bill!

3. Don’t Leave Your Pet Alone Near Hazards

Don’t leave your pets alone in the room with lit candles, a decorated tree, or potpourri. Imagine the disasters that could happen! Also consider to leave the tinsel off your tree if you have a cat. Hanging a lemon scented car air freshener may deter your cat from climbing it.

4. Provide A Space For Them To Avoid People And Noises

Provide a safe and quiet space for your pets to retreat from all the holiday noises, especially fireworks. Just like us, sometimes the holiday euphoria can be a little much after sometimes.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season, and I hope this information will be helpful to you. My fur babies are just like family to me. And I would hate to know that I’ve caused them any harm or discomfort.

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