Hitting the Reset Button - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Hitting the Reset Button

Social distancing and COVID-19 have forever changed our lives. It is a chance to hit a reset button of sorts as we slowly come out on the other side of this pandemic. It has allowed us to think about what is important to us in our lives and in our jobs. What do we want to curate and put back into our lives and our jobs? This is our chance to define our new “normal.” To add the things that make our life truly meaningful for our selves, our families, and our environment.

Define Our Values for Living

Rampant consumerism has taken a back seat to just simply living a good and meaningful life. Wellness and happiness are symbiotic, becoming increasingly important as we learn what life looks like in our stay at home mandated world. And also, what effect the stay at home world has had on our planet. Less pollution, less noise, and a slower pace.

What is also obvious during this time is that we, as a society, are caring and outgoing. Helping each other and coming together, and our lives are richer because of it. We read more, enjoy simple things, and have the time to have a meal with our family and share in good meaningful conversations. Even if it’s virtually using video chat. The point is we have time.

Back to Normal?

Our Real Estate industry, much like the stock market, has been looking for a “back to normal” since day one of the pandemic. An “all clear” so we can go back to the business of selling Real Estate and represent our clients to help them reach their goals. Hard assets like Real Estate can be both an investment play as well as a legacy piece for your family; we all know that, but how much does wellness and happiness play in that decision to buy? Clean air and a sense of place, does it affect where to buy? Knowing that you can work remotely in a pandemic, can you take that leap and work remotely in a place like Hawaii that offers you wellness and an inspired life?

I believe these questions will drive home buyers in the future to areas that have coveted the changes we have witnessed. COVID-19 has cleared our collective lenses and has given all of us the opportunity and grace to see what a less polluted, more empathetic world looks like. Things we thought we needed really are not that important. Consumerism will be back in full swing after this is over, and mind you, I am not saying all consumerism is bad. Resisting the “back to normal” marketing and remembering the lessons learned will be paramount. With eyes wide open, we can create our new normal.

John Climaldi R(B)

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