2011 Hawaii Visitor Statistics - Real Estate Sales Looking Up on the Big Island - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

2011 Hawaii Visitor Statistics – Real Estate Sales Looking Up on the Big Island

Aloha! Title Guaranty has provided this chart of Hawaii Visitor Statistics for 2011 as reported by the Hawaii Tourism Authority.

Visitor Arrivals and Real Estate Purchases Increase

There were more arrivals to Hawaii last year, so that is a good sign that the islands are a dream destination for many visitors. Real estate has definitely picked up during the winter season, as our visitors purchase property at foreclosure prices while on vacation. The weather has been wonderful in Kona, with sunny days and fabulous sunsets, visitors end up finding heaven on earth at a great price!

Though Oahu and Maui have the most visitors received by island, to me, it seems the quality of visitors are different for the Big Island. In doing my own independent study, I’ve found that most of the people who buy here don’t really know why they love it here, except that when they leave they cry, and when they are away they dream of returning “home.”  

My research has revealed that a sunken continent of the Pacific called Lemuria existed thousands of years ago, and supposedly, the spirits of Lemuria are being called back to the islands to help humanity in some way.


The expenditures for 2011 show an increase in the fun and enjoyment our visitors are having here in Hawaii…that’s another great sign – people are happier than they were last year!

The majority of people come to Hawaii just for pleasure – that shows that we are still a vacation destination…perfect! We would love to have more happy owners who love the Aloha Spirit and the lifestyle that Hawaii has to offer – come join the neighborhood and meet the family!


Visitor arrivals to Hawaii are expected to increase for 2012, and the visitors are expected to stay longer – this may mean that they are either retiring, falling in love with their island home, or having a spiritual or “heart’s longing” to be here for these times.

According to this brochure from Title Guaranty, many people who purchase here on the Big Island like to venture on their own. Though, I did meet someone today at an Open House who was looking for a vacation rental so he could split the time and money with his clients, and cater to them at the same time while showing them around – I thought it was a great idea to be open to change in the types of travel arrangements being made…and what an opportunity to get connected to people who are also drawn here!

Thank you for your time in reading this information, I hope it was helpful!  These statistics show a positive upswing in our visitor count for 2012, and I am excited to meet people who are attracted to the Big Island. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Blessings Always~

Claire K. Bajo, RS, SRES
Big Island Sales | Intuitive Realtor

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