Hawaii Life Partners with Family Promise of Hawaii: “Building Community, Strengthening Lives” - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawaii Life Partners with Family Promise of Hawaii: “Building Community, Strengthening Lives”

Circumstances change – you lose your job, unexpected medical bills accumulate, debt piles up. You can no longer afford your home. Family members host you for a month or two, but are not in a place to provide a permanent home for you, your spouse, and your children. Where do you turn?

What is Family Promise of Hawaii?

Family Promise of Hawaii works tirelessly to assist and strengthen families faced with homelessness. Since their founding in 2006, they have hosted more than 900 parents and children in their regular program and more than 600 in their day program.

Hawaii Life understands how families yearn for a place to call home and for stability for their keiki. We see how Family Promise’s case managers not only help in the search for permanent housing, but offer life skills training, money management, and vocational and parenting classes.

So when Family Promise of Hawaii planned its 3rd annual Fun Run in Kailua last month to raise awareness for the unfortunate rise of homelessness here in Hawaii, the Hawaii Life Charitable Fund resolved to back this worthwhile organization by acting as a title sponsor – funding the event, supplying the First Aid tent, and donating many race prizes.

We know that working together, we can impact families and meet or exceed Family Promise of Hawaii’s history of graduating more than 80 percent of the organization’s guests. That’s right, more than 80% of families go from homelessness into their own homes in only three to four months

We at Hawaii Life were touched to see how many in our community came together to make this event a success! Family Promise Vice President (Programs and Services) Laura Thielen noted, “Our third annual Family Promise Fun Run was a great success this year. More than 400 people from our community came out to show support for a great program that gives hope to families who are experiencing homelessness in Hawaii.

“Without the support of our wonderful sponsors, such as Hawaii Life, this event would not be possible. Thank you to all of our sponsors, our volunteers and our runners. Without each and every one of you, this fun run would not have been successful or as much fun. As a community, we can make a difference,” said Thielen.

Want to Help?

More information about Family Promise and stories from those who have gone through the program can be found on the Family Promise of Hawaii website. Join Hawaii Life in supporting this worthwhile organization!

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